Fixed clang-UBSAN issues.
Updated description in trtswitch-package.
Updates to survival.cpp:
- Changed requirement of positive time to nonnegative time for kmest, kmtest, rmest, and rmdiff.
Updates to tsegestsimp.cpp:
- Changed the description of shape1, scale1, shape2, and scale2 parameters.
Updates to utilities.cpp:
- Moved untreated and unswitched functions here. These functions are shared by rpsftm and ipe.
Updates to rpsftm:
- Added treat variable to Sstar.
- Changed the default value of admin_recensor_only from FALSE to TRUE.
- Added data_outcome and fit_outcome to output.
- Added raw stratum and treat information to data_outcome.
Updates to ipe:
- Added treat variable to Sstar.
- Changed the default value of admin_recensor_only from FALSE to TRUE.
- Modified Sstar and kmstar to be consistent with rpsftm.
- Add data_aft and fit_aft to output.
- Added data_outcome and fit_outcome to output.
- Added raw stratum and treat information to data_outcome.
Updates to tsesimp:
- Changed the default value of admin_recensor_only from FALSE to TRUE.
- Added data_aft, fit_aft, data_outcome, and fit_outcome to output.
- Added psi1hats in bootstrap.
- Added raw stratum information to data_outcome.
- Added agerand, sex.f, tt_Lnum, rmh_alea.c, and pathway.f as baseline covariates in the example.
Updates to tsegest:
- Changed the default value of admin_recensor_only from FALSE to TRUE.
- Added the parameter n_eval_z to evaluate the Wald statistics at a sequence of psi values.
- Added data_switch, km_switch, eval_z, data_nullcox, fit_nullcox, data_logis, fit_logis, data_outcome, and fit_outcome to output.
- Included data_switch, km_switch, eval_z, data_nullcox, fit_nullcox, data_logis, and fit_logis in the analysis_switch list.
- Added raw stratum information to data_outcome.
Updates to ipcw:
- Added relative_time parameter.
- Added data_switch to output.
- Added ns_df to output.
- Renamed df_outcome to data_outcome.
- Added raw stratum information to data_outcome.
Added vignettes:
- rpsftm.Rmd
- ipe.Rmd
- tsesimp.Rmd
- tsegest.Rmd
- ipcw.Rmd