Title: | Power and Sample Size Calculation for Non-Proportional Hazards and Beyond |
Description: | Performs power and sample size calculation for non-proportional hazards model using the Fleming-Harrington family of weighted log-rank tests. The sequentially calculated log-rank test score statistics are assumed to have independent increments as characterized in Anastasios A. Tsiatis (1982) <doi:10.1080/01621459.1982.10477898>. The mean and variance of log-rank test score statistics are calculated based on Kaifeng Lu (2021) <doi:10.1002/pst.2069>. The boundary crossing probabilities are calculated using the recursive integration algorithm described in Christopher Jennison and Bruce W. Turnbull (2000, ISBN:0849303168). The package can also be used for continuous, binary, and count data. For continuous data, it can handle missing data through mixed-model for repeated measures (MMRM). In crossover designs, it can estimate direct treatment effects while accounting for carryover effects. For binary data, it can design Simon's 2-stage, modified toxicity probability-2 (mTPI-2), and Bayesian optimal interval (BOIN) trials. For count data, it can design group sequential trials for negative binomial endpoints with censoring. Additionally, it facilitates group sequential equivalence trials for all supported data types. Moreover, it can design adaptive group sequential trials for changes in sample size, error spending function, number and spacing or future looks. Finally, it offers various options for adjusted p-values, including graphical and gatekeeping procedures. |
Authors: | Kaifeng Lu [aut, cre] |
Maintainer: | Kaifeng Lu <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL (>= 2) |
Version: | 0.2.11 |
Built: | 2025-01-03 06:48:22 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/kaifenglu/lrstat |
Performs power and sample size calculation for non-proportional hazards model using the Fleming-Harrington family of weighted log-rank tests.
For proportional hazards, the power is determined by the total number of events and the constant hazard ratio along with information rates and spending functions. For non-proportional hazards, the hazard ratio varies over time and the calendar time plays a key role in determining the mean and variance of the log-rank test score statistic. It requires an iterative algorithm to find the calendar time at which the targeted number of events will be reached for each interim analysis. The lrstat package uses the analytic method in Lu (2021) to find the mean and variance of the weighted log-rank test score statistic at each interim analysis. In addition, the package approximates the variance and covariance matrix of the sequentially calculated log-rank test statistics under the alternative hypothesis with that under the null hypothesis to take advantage of the independent increments structure in Tsiatis (1982) applicable for the Fleming-Harrington family of weighted log-rank tests.
The most useful functions in the package are lrstat
, lrsamplesize
, and lrsim
, which calculate
the mean and variance of log-rank test score statistic at a sequence
of given calendar times, the power of the log-rank test, the sample
size in terms of accrual duration and follow-up duration, and the
log-rank test simulation, respectively. The accrual
calculates the number of patients accrued at given calendar times. The
function finds the calendar times to reach the targeted
number of events. The exitprob
function calculates the stagewise
exit probabilities for specified boundaries with a varying mean
parameter over time based on an adaptation of the recursive
integration algorithm described in Chapter 19 of Jennison and
Turnbull (2000).
The development of the lrstat package is heavily influenced by the rpact package. We find their function arguments to be self-explanatory. We have used the same names whenever appropriate so that users familiar with the rpact package can learn the lrstat package quickly. However, there are notable differences:
lrstat uses direct approximation, while rpact uses the Schoenfeld method for log-rank test power and sample size calculation.
lrstat uses accrualDuration
to explicitly set the end of
accrual period, while rpact incorporates the end of accrual period
in accrualTime
lrstat considers the trial a failure at the last stage if the log-rank test cannot reject the null hypothesis up to this stage and cannot stop for futility at an earlier stage.
the lrsim
function uses the variance of the log-rank
test score statistic as the information.
In addition to the log-rank test power and sample size calculations, the lrstat package can also be used for the following tasks:
design generic group sequential trials.
design generic group sequential equivalence trials.
design adaptive group sequential trials for changes in sample size, error spending function, number and spacing or future looks.
calculate the terminating and repeated confidence intervals for standard and adaptive group sequential trials.
calculate the conditional power for non-proportional hazards with or without design changes.
perform multiplicity adjustment based on graphical approaches using weighted Bonferroni tests, Bonferroni mixture of weighted Simes test, and Bonferroni mixture of Dunnett test as well as group sequential trials with multiple hypotheses.
perform multiplicity adjustment using stepwise gatekeeping procedures for two sequences of hypotheses and the standard or modified mixture gatekeeping procedures in the general case.
design parallel-group trials with the primary endpoint analyzed using mixed-model for repeated measures (MMRM).
design crossover trials to estimate direct treatment effects while accounting for carryover effects.
design one-way repeated measures ANOVA trials.
design two-way ANOVA trials.
design Simon's 2-stage trials.
design modified toxicity probability-2 (mTPI-2) trials.
design Bayesian optimal interval (BOIN) trials.
design group sequential trials for negative binomial endpoints with censoring.
design trials using Wilcoxon, Fisher's exact, and McNemar's test.
calculate Clopper-Pearson confidence interval for single proportions.
calculate Brookmeyer-Crowley confidence interval for quantiles of censored survival data.
calculate Miettinen & Nurminen confidence interval for stratified risk difference, risk ratio, odds ratio, rate difference, and rate ratio.
perform power and sample size calculation for logistic regression.
perform power and sample size calculation for Cohen's kappa.
calculate Hedges' g effect size.
generate random numbers from truncated piecewise exponential distribution.
perform power and sample size calculations for negative binomial data.
Kaifeng Lu, [email protected]
Anastasios A. Tsiatis. Repeated significance testing for a general class of statistics used in censored survival analysis. J Am Stat Assoc. 1982;77:855-861.
Christopher Jennison, Bruce W. Turnbull. Group Sequential Methods with Applications to Clinical Trials. Chapman & Hall/CRC: Boca Raton, 2000, ISBN:0849303168
Kaifeng Lu. Sample size calculation for logrank test and prediction of number of events over time. Pharm Stat. 2021;20:229-244.
rpact, gsDesign
lrpower(kMax = 2, informationRates = c(0.8, 1), criticalValues = c(2.250, 2.025), accrualIntensity = 20, piecewiseSurvivalTime = c(0, 6), lambda1 = c(0.0533, 0.0309), lambda2 = c(0.0533, 0.0533), gamma1 = 0.00427, gamma2 = 0.00427, accrualDuration = 22, followupTime = 18)
lrpower(kMax = 2, informationRates = c(0.8, 1), criticalValues = c(2.250, 2.025), accrualIntensity = 20, piecewiseSurvivalTime = c(0, 6), lambda1 = c(0.0533, 0.0309), lambda2 = c(0.0533, 0.0533), gamma1 = 0.00427, gamma2 = 0.00427, accrualDuration = 22, followupTime = 18)
Obtains the number of subjects enrolled by given calendar times.
accrual( time = NA_real_, accrualTime = 0L, accrualIntensity = NA_real_, accrualDuration = NA_real_ )
accrual( time = NA_real_, accrualTime = 0L, accrualIntensity = NA_real_, accrualDuration = NA_real_ )
time |
A vector of calendar times at which to calculate the number of enrolled subjects. |
accrualTime |
A vector that specifies the starting time of
piecewise Poisson enrollment time intervals. Must start with 0, e.g.,
accrualIntensity |
A vector of accrual intensities. One for each accrual time interval. |
accrualDuration |
Duration of the enrollment period. |
A vector of total number of subjects enrolled by the specified calendar times.
Kaifeng Lu, [email protected]
# Example 1: Uniform enrollment with 20 patients per month for 12 months. accrual(time = 3, accrualTime = 0, accrualIntensity = 20, accrualDuration = 12) # Example 2: Piecewise accrual, 10 patients per month for the first # 3 months, and 20 patients per month thereafter. Patient recruitment # ends at 12 months for the study. accrual(time = c(2, 9), accrualTime = c(0, 3), accrualIntensity = c(10, 20), accrualDuration = 12)
# Example 1: Uniform enrollment with 20 patients per month for 12 months. accrual(time = 3, accrualTime = 0, accrualIntensity = 20, accrualDuration = 12) # Example 2: Piecewise accrual, 10 patients per month for the first # 3 months, and 20 patients per month thereafter. Patient recruitment # ends at 12 months for the study. accrual(time = c(2, 9), accrualTime = c(0, 3), accrualIntensity = c(10, 20), accrualDuration = 12)
Obtains the conditional power for specified incremental information given the interim results, parameter value, and data-dependent changes in the error spending function, and the number and spacing of interim looks. Conversely, obtains the incremental information needed to attain a specified conditional power given the interim results, parameter value, and data-dependent changes in the error spending function, and the number and spacing of interim looks.
adaptDesign( betaNew = NA_real_, INew = NA_real_, L = NA_integer_, zL = NA_real_, theta = NA_real_, IMax = NA_real_, kMax = NA_integer_, informationRates = NA_real_, efficacyStopping = NA_integer_, futilityStopping = NA_integer_, criticalValues = NA_real_, alpha = 0.025, typeAlphaSpending = "sfOF", parameterAlphaSpending = NA_real_, userAlphaSpending = NA_real_, futilityBounds = NA_real_, typeBetaSpending = "none", parameterBetaSpending = NA_real_, spendingTime = NA_real_, MullerSchafer = 0L, kNew = NA_integer_, informationRatesNew = NA_real_, efficacyStoppingNew = NA_integer_, futilityStoppingNew = NA_integer_, typeAlphaSpendingNew = "sfOF", parameterAlphaSpendingNew = NA_real_, typeBetaSpendingNew = "none", parameterBetaSpendingNew = NA_real_, userBetaSpendingNew = NA_real_, spendingTimeNew = NA_real_, varianceRatio = 1 )
adaptDesign( betaNew = NA_real_, INew = NA_real_, L = NA_integer_, zL = NA_real_, theta = NA_real_, IMax = NA_real_, kMax = NA_integer_, informationRates = NA_real_, efficacyStopping = NA_integer_, futilityStopping = NA_integer_, criticalValues = NA_real_, alpha = 0.025, typeAlphaSpending = "sfOF", parameterAlphaSpending = NA_real_, userAlphaSpending = NA_real_, futilityBounds = NA_real_, typeBetaSpending = "none", parameterBetaSpending = NA_real_, spendingTime = NA_real_, MullerSchafer = 0L, kNew = NA_integer_, informationRatesNew = NA_real_, efficacyStoppingNew = NA_integer_, futilityStoppingNew = NA_integer_, typeAlphaSpendingNew = "sfOF", parameterAlphaSpendingNew = NA_real_, typeBetaSpendingNew = "none", parameterBetaSpendingNew = NA_real_, userBetaSpendingNew = NA_real_, spendingTimeNew = NA_real_, varianceRatio = 1 )
betaNew |
The type II error for the secondary trial. |
INew |
The maximum information of the secondary trial. Either
L |
The interim adaptation look of the primary trial. |
zL |
The z-test statistic at the interim adaptation look of the primary trial. |
theta |
The parameter value. |
IMax |
The maximum information of the primary trial. Must be
provided if |
kMax |
The maximum number of stages of the primary trial. |
informationRates |
The information rates of the primary trial. |
efficacyStopping |
Indicators of whether efficacy stopping is allowed at each stage of the primary trial. Defaults to true if left unspecified. |
futilityStopping |
Indicators of whether futility stopping is allowed at each stage of the primary trial. Defaults to true if left unspecified. |
criticalValues |
The upper boundaries on the z-test statistic scale for efficacy stopping for the primary trial. |
alpha |
The significance level of the primary trial. Defaults to 0.025. |
typeAlphaSpending |
The type of alpha spending for the primary trial. One of the following: "OF" for O'Brien-Fleming boundaries, "P" for Pocock boundaries, "WT" for Wang & Tsiatis boundaries, "sfOF" for O'Brien-Fleming type spending function, "sfP" for Pocock type spending function, "sfKD" for Kim & DeMets spending function, "sfHSD" for Hwang, Shi & DeCani spending function, "user" for user defined spending, and "none" for no early efficacy stopping. Defaults to "sfOF". |
parameterAlphaSpending |
The parameter value of alpha spending for the primary trial. Corresponds to Delta for "WT", rho for "sfKD", and gamma for "sfHSD". |
userAlphaSpending |
The user defined alpha spending for the primary trial. Cumulative alpha spent up to each stage. |
futilityBounds |
The lower boundaries on the z-test statistic scale
for futility stopping for the primary trial. Defaults to
typeBetaSpending |
The type of beta spending for the primary trial. One of the following: "sfOF" for O'Brien-Fleming type spending function, "sfP" for Pocock type spending function, "sfKD" for Kim & DeMets spending function, "sfHSD" for Hwang, Shi & DeCani spending function, and "none" for no early futility stopping. Defaults to "none". |
parameterBetaSpending |
The parameter value of beta spending for the primary trial. Corresponds to rho for "sfKD", and gamma for "sfHSD". |
spendingTime |
The error spending time of the primary trial.
Defaults to missing, in which case, it is the same as
MullerSchafer |
Whether to use the Muller and Schafer (2001) method for trial adaptation. |
kNew |
The number of looks of the secondary trial. |
informationRatesNew |
The spacing of looks of the secondary trial. |
efficacyStoppingNew |
The indicators of whether efficacy stopping is allowed at each look of the secondary trial. Defaults to true if left unspecified. |
futilityStoppingNew |
The indicators of whether futility stopping is allowed at each look of the secondary trial. Defaults to true if left unspecified. |
typeAlphaSpendingNew |
The type of alpha spending for the secondary trial. One of the following: "OF" for O'Brien-Fleming boundaries, "P" for Pocock boundaries, "WT" for Wang & Tsiatis boundaries, "sfOF" for O'Brien-Fleming type spending function, "sfP" for Pocock type spending function, "sfKD" for Kim & DeMets spending function, "sfHSD" for Hwang, Shi & DeCani spending function, and "none" for no early efficacy stopping. Defaults to "sfOF". |
parameterAlphaSpendingNew |
The parameter value of alpha spending for the secondary trial. Corresponds to Delta for "WT", rho for "sfKD", and gamma for "sfHSD". |
typeBetaSpendingNew |
The type of beta spending for the secondary trial. One of the following: "sfOF" for O'Brien-Fleming type spending function, "sfP" for Pocock type spending function, "sfKD" for Kim & DeMets spending function, "sfHSD" for Hwang, Shi & DeCani spending function, "user" for user defined spending, and "none" for no early futility stopping. Defaults to "none". |
parameterBetaSpendingNew |
The parameter value of beta spending for the secondary trial. Corresponds to rho for "sfKD", and gamma for "sfHSD". |
userBetaSpendingNew |
The user defined cumulative beta spending. Cumulative beta spent up to each stage of the secondary trial. |
spendingTimeNew |
The error spending time of the secondary trial.
Defaults to missing, in which case, it is the same as
varianceRatio |
The ratio of the variance under H0 to the variance under H1. |
An adaptDesign
object with two list components:
: A list of selected information for the primary
trial, including L
, zL
, theta
, kMax
, efficacyBounds
, futilityBounds
and MullerSchafer
: A design
object for the secondary trial.
Kaifeng Lu, [email protected]
Lu Chi, H. M. James Hung, and Sue-Jane Wang. Modification of sample size in group sequential clinical trials. Biometrics 1999;55:853-857.
Hans-Helge Muller and Helmut Schafer. Adaptive group sequential designs for clinical trials: Combining the advantages of adaptive and of classical group sequential approaches. Biometrics 2001;57:886-891.
# original group sequential design with 90% power to detect delta = 6 delta = 6 sigma = 17 n = 282 (des1 = getDesign(IMax = n/(4*sigma^2), theta = delta, kMax = 3, alpha = 0.05, typeAlphaSpending = "sfHSD", parameterAlphaSpending = -4)) # interim look results L = 1 n1 = n/3 delta1 = 4.5 sigma1 = 20 zL = delta1/sqrt(4/n1*sigma1^2) t = des1$byStageResults$informationRates # conditional power with sample size increase (des2 = adaptDesign( betaNew = NA, INew = 420/(4*sigma1^2), L, zL, theta = delta1, IMax = n/(4*sigma1^2), kMax = 3, informationRates = t, alpha = 0.05, typeAlphaSpending = "sfHSD", parameterAlphaSpending = -4)) # Muller & Schafer (2001) method to design the secondary trial: # 3-look gamma(-2) spending with 84% power at delta = 4.5 and sigma = 20 (des2 = adaptDesign( betaNew = 0.16, INew = NA, L, zL, theta = delta1, IMax = n/(4*sigma1^2), kMax = 3, informationRates = t, alpha = 0.05, typeAlphaSpending = "sfHSD", parameterAlphaSpending = -4, MullerSchafer = TRUE, kNew = 3, typeAlphaSpendingNew = "sfHSD", parameterAlphaSpendingNew = -2)) # incremental sample size for sigma = 20 (nNew = 4*sigma1^2*des2$secondaryTrial$overallResults$information)
# original group sequential design with 90% power to detect delta = 6 delta = 6 sigma = 17 n = 282 (des1 = getDesign(IMax = n/(4*sigma^2), theta = delta, kMax = 3, alpha = 0.05, typeAlphaSpending = "sfHSD", parameterAlphaSpending = -4)) # interim look results L = 1 n1 = n/3 delta1 = 4.5 sigma1 = 20 zL = delta1/sqrt(4/n1*sigma1^2) t = des1$byStageResults$informationRates # conditional power with sample size increase (des2 = adaptDesign( betaNew = NA, INew = 420/(4*sigma1^2), L, zL, theta = delta1, IMax = n/(4*sigma1^2), kMax = 3, informationRates = t, alpha = 0.05, typeAlphaSpending = "sfHSD", parameterAlphaSpending = -4)) # Muller & Schafer (2001) method to design the secondary trial: # 3-look gamma(-2) spending with 84% power at delta = 4.5 and sigma = 20 (des2 = adaptDesign( betaNew = 0.16, INew = NA, L, zL, theta = delta1, IMax = n/(4*sigma1^2), kMax = 3, informationRates = t, alpha = 0.05, typeAlphaSpending = "sfHSD", parameterAlphaSpending = -4, MullerSchafer = TRUE, kNew = 3, typeAlphaSpendingNew = "sfHSD", parameterAlphaSpendingNew = -2)) # incremental sample size for sigma = 20 (nNew = 4*sigma1^2*des2$secondaryTrial$overallResults$information)
Obtains the calendar times needed to reach the target number of subjects experiencing an event.
caltime( nevents = NA_real_, allocationRatioPlanned = 1, accrualTime = 0L, accrualIntensity = NA_real_, piecewiseSurvivalTime = 0L, stratumFraction = 1L, lambda1 = NA_real_, lambda2 = NA_real_, gamma1 = 0L, gamma2 = 0L, accrualDuration = NA_real_, followupTime = NA_real_, fixedFollowup = 0L )
caltime( nevents = NA_real_, allocationRatioPlanned = 1, accrualTime = 0L, accrualIntensity = NA_real_, piecewiseSurvivalTime = 0L, stratumFraction = 1L, lambda1 = NA_real_, lambda2 = NA_real_, gamma1 = 0L, gamma2 = 0L, accrualDuration = NA_real_, followupTime = NA_real_, fixedFollowup = 0L )
nevents |
A vector of target number of events. |
allocationRatioPlanned |
Allocation ratio for the active treatment versus control. Defaults to 1 for equal randomization. |
accrualTime |
A vector that specifies the starting time of
piecewise Poisson enrollment time intervals. Must start with 0, e.g.,
accrualIntensity |
A vector of accrual intensities. One for each accrual time interval. |
piecewiseSurvivalTime |
A vector that specifies the starting time of
piecewise exponential survival time intervals. Must start with 0, e.g.,
stratumFraction |
A vector of stratum fractions that sum to 1. Defaults to 1 for no stratification. |
lambda1 |
A vector of hazard rates for the event in each analysis time interval by stratum for the active treatment group. |
lambda2 |
A vector of hazard rates for the event in each analysis time interval by stratum for the control group. |
gamma1 |
The hazard rate for exponential dropout, a vector of hazard rates for piecewise exponential dropout applicable for all strata, or a vector of hazard rates for dropout in each analysis time interval by stratum for the active treatment group. |
gamma2 |
The hazard rate for exponential dropout, a vector of hazard rates for piecewise exponential dropout applicable for all strata, or a vector of hazard rates for dropout in each analysis time interval by stratum for the control group. |
accrualDuration |
Duration of the enrollment period. |
followupTime |
Follow-up time for the last enrolled subject. |
fixedFollowup |
Whether a fixed follow-up design is used. Defaults to 0 for variable follow-up. |
A vector of calendar times expected to yield the target number of events.
Kaifeng Lu, [email protected]
# Piecewise accrual, piecewise exponential survivals, and 5% dropout by # the end of 1 year. caltime(nevents = c(24, 80), allocationRatioPlanned = 1, accrualTime = seq(0, 8), accrualIntensity = 26/9*seq(1, 9), piecewiseSurvivalTime = c(0, 6), lambda1 = c(0.0533, 0.0309), lambda2 = c(0.0533, 0.0533), gamma1 = -log(1-0.05)/12, gamma2 = -log(1-0.05)/12, accrualDuration = 22, followupTime = 18, fixedFollowup = FALSE)
# Piecewise accrual, piecewise exponential survivals, and 5% dropout by # the end of 1 year. caltime(nevents = c(24, 80), allocationRatioPlanned = 1, accrualTime = seq(0, 8), accrualIntensity = 26/9*seq(1, 9), piecewiseSurvivalTime = c(0, 6), lambda1 = c(0.0533, 0.0309), lambda2 = c(0.0533, 0.0533), gamma1 = -log(1-0.05)/12, gamma2 = -log(1-0.05)/12, accrualDuration = 22, followupTime = 18, fixedFollowup = FALSE)
Obtains the error spent at given spending times for the specified error spending function.
errorSpent(t, error, sf = "sfOF", sfpar = NA)
errorSpent(t, error, sf = "sfOF", sfpar = NA)
t |
A vector of spending times, typically equal to information fractions. |
error |
The total error to spend. |
sf |
The spending function. One of the following: "sfOF" for O'Brien-Fleming type spending function, "sfP" for Pocock type spending function, "sfKD" for Kim & DeMets spending function, and "sfHSD" for Hwang, Shi & DeCani spending function. Defaults to "sfOF". |
sfpar |
The parameter for the spending function. Corresponds to rho for "sfKD" and gamma for "sfHSD". |
A vector of errors spent up to the interim look.
Kaifeng Lu, [email protected]
errorSpent(t = 0.5, error = 0.025, sf = "sfOF") errorSpent(t = c(0.5, 0.75, 1), error = 0.025, sf = "sfHSD", sfpar = -4)
errorSpent(t = 0.5, error = 0.025, sf = "sfOF") errorSpent(t = c(0.5, 0.75, 1), error = 0.025, sf = "sfHSD", sfpar = -4)
Obtains the stagewise exit probabilities for both efficacy and futility stopping.
exitprob(b, a = NA, theta = 0, I = NA)
exitprob(b, a = NA, theta = 0, I = NA)
b |
Upper boundaries on the z-test statistic scale. |
a |
Lower boundaries on the z-test statistic scale. Defaults to
theta |
Stagewise parameter of interest, e.g., |
I |
Stagewise cumulative information, e.g., |
A list of stagewise exit probabilities:
: The vector of efficacy stopping probabilities
: The vector of futility stopping probabilities.
Kaifeng Lu, [email protected]
exitprob(b = c(3.471, 2.454, 2.004), theta = -log(0.6), I = c(50, 100, 150)/4) exitprob(b = c(2.963, 2.359, 2.014), a = c(-0.264, 0.599, 2.014), theta = c(0.141, 0.204, 0.289), I = c(81, 121, 160))
exitprob(b = c(3.471, 2.454, 2.004), theta = -log(0.6), I = c(50, 100, 150)/4) exitprob(b = c(2.963, 2.359, 2.014), a = c(-0.264, 0.599, 2.014), theta = c(0.141, 0.204, 0.289), I = c(81, 121, 160))
Obtains the adjusted p-values for graphical approaches using weighted Bonferroni tests.
fadjpbon(w, G, p)
fadjpbon(w, G, p)
w |
The vector of initial weights for elementary hypotheses. |
G |
The initial transition matrix. |
p |
The raw p-values for elementary hypotheses. |
A matrix of adjusted p-values.
Kaifeng Lu, [email protected]
Frank Bretz, Willi Maurer, Werner Brannath and Martin Posch. A graphical approach to sequentially rejective multiple test procedures. Statistics in Medicine. 2009; 28:586-604.
pvalues <- matrix(c(0.01,0.005,0.015,0.022, 0.02,0.015,0.010,0.023), nrow=2, ncol=4, byrow=TRUE) w <- c(0.5,0.5,0,0) g <- matrix(c(0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0), nrow=4, ncol=4, byrow=TRUE) fadjpbon(w, g, pvalues)
pvalues <- matrix(c(0.01,0.005,0.015,0.022, 0.02,0.015,0.010,0.023), nrow=2, ncol=4, byrow=TRUE) w <- c(0.5,0.5,0,0) g <- matrix(c(0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0), nrow=4, ncol=4, byrow=TRUE) fadjpbon(w, g, pvalues)
Obtains the adjusted p-values for graphical approaches using weighted Dunnett tests.
fadjpdun(wgtmat, p, family = NULL, corr = NULL)
fadjpdun(wgtmat, p, family = NULL, corr = NULL)
wgtmat |
The weight matrix for intersection hypotheses. |
p |
The raw p-values for elementary hypotheses. |
family |
The matrix of family indicators for elementary hypotheses. |
corr |
The correlation matrix that should be used for the parametric test. Can contain NAs for unknown correlations between families. |
A matrix of adjusted p-values.
Kaifeng Lu, [email protected]
Frank Bretz, Martin Posch, Ekkehard Glimm, Florian Klinglmueller, Willi Maurer, and Kornelius Rohmeyer. Graphical approach for multiple comparison procedures using weighted Bonferroni, Simes, or parameter tests. Biometrical Journal. 2011; 53:894-913.
pvalues <- matrix(c(0.01,0.005,0.015,0.022, 0.02,0.015,0.010,0.023), nrow=2, ncol=4, byrow=TRUE) w <- c(0.5,0.5,0,0) g <- matrix(c(0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0), nrow=4, ncol=4, byrow=TRUE) wgtmat = fwgtmat(w,g) family = matrix(c(1,1,0,0,0,0,1,1), nrow=2, ncol=4, byrow=TRUE) corr = matrix(c(1,0.5,NA,NA, 0.5,1,NA,NA, NA,NA,1,0.5, NA,NA,0.5,1), nrow = 4, byrow = TRUE) fadjpdun(wgtmat, pvalues, family, corr)
pvalues <- matrix(c(0.01,0.005,0.015,0.022, 0.02,0.015,0.010,0.023), nrow=2, ncol=4, byrow=TRUE) w <- c(0.5,0.5,0,0) g <- matrix(c(0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0), nrow=4, ncol=4, byrow=TRUE) wgtmat = fwgtmat(w,g) family = matrix(c(1,1,0,0,0,0,1,1), nrow=2, ncol=4, byrow=TRUE) corr = matrix(c(1,0.5,NA,NA, 0.5,1,NA,NA, NA,NA,1,0.5, NA,NA,0.5,1), nrow = 4, byrow = TRUE) fadjpdun(wgtmat, pvalues, family, corr)
Obtains the adjusted p-values for graphical approaches using weighted Simes tests.
fadjpsim(wgtmat, p, family = NULL)
fadjpsim(wgtmat, p, family = NULL)
wgtmat |
The weight matrix for intersection hypotheses. |
p |
The raw p-values for elementary hypotheses. |
family |
The matrix of family indicators for elementary hypotheses. |
A matrix of adjusted p-values.
Kaifeng Lu, [email protected]
Frank Bretz, Martin Posch, Ekkehard Glimm, Florian Klinglmueller, Willi Maurer, and Kornelius Rohmeyer. Graphical approach for multiple comparison procedures using weighted Bonferroni, Simes, or parameter tests. Biometrical Journal. 2011; 53:894-913.
Kaifeng Lu. Graphical approaches using a Bonferroni mixture of weighted Simes tests. Statistics in Medicine. 2016; 35:4041-4055.
pvalues <- matrix(c(0.01,0.005,0.015,0.022, 0.02,0.015,0.010,0.023), nrow=2, ncol=4, byrow=TRUE) w <- c(0.5,0.5,0,0) g <- matrix(c(0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0), nrow=4, ncol=4, byrow=TRUE) wgtmat = fwgtmat(w,g) family = matrix(c(1,1,0,0,0,0,1,1), nrow=2, ncol=4, byrow=TRUE) fadjpsim(wgtmat, pvalues, family)
pvalues <- matrix(c(0.01,0.005,0.015,0.022, 0.02,0.015,0.010,0.023), nrow=2, ncol=4, byrow=TRUE) w <- c(0.5,0.5,0,0) g <- matrix(c(0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0), nrow=4, ncol=4, byrow=TRUE) wgtmat = fwgtmat(w,g) family = matrix(c(1,1,0,0,0,0,1,1), nrow=2, ncol=4, byrow=TRUE) fadjpsim(wgtmat, pvalues, family)
Obtains the adjusted p-values for the modified gatekeeping procedures for multiplicity problems involving serial and parallel logical restrictions.
fmodmix( p, family = NULL, serial, parallel, gamma, test = "hommel", exhaust = TRUE )
fmodmix( p, family = NULL, serial, parallel, gamma, test = "hommel", exhaust = TRUE )
p |
The raw p-values for elementary hypotheses. |
family |
The matrix of family indicators for the hypotheses. |
serial |
The matrix of serial rejection set for the hypotheses. |
parallel |
The matrix of parallel rejection set for the hypotheses. |
gamma |
The truncation parameters for each family. The truncation parameter for the last family is automatically set to 1. |
test |
The component multiple testing procedure. Options include "holm", "hochberg", or "hommel". Defaults to "hommel". |
exhaust |
Whether to use alpha-exhausting component testing procedure
for the last family with active hypotheses. It defaults to |
A matrix of adjusted p-values.
Kaifeng Lu, [email protected]
Alex Dmitrienko, George Kordzakhia, and Thomas Brechenmacher. Mixture-based gatekeeping procedures for multiplicity problems with multiple sequences of hypotheses. Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics. 2016; 26(4):758–780.
George Kordzakhia, Thomas Brechenmacher, Eiji Ishida, Alex Dmitrienko, Winston Wenxiang Zheng, and David Fuyuan Li. An enhanced mixture method for constructing gatekeeping procedures in clinical trials. Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics. 2018; 28(1):113–128.
p = c(0.0194, 0.0068, 0.0271, 0.0088, 0.0370, 0.0018, 0.0814, 0.0066) family = matrix(c(1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1), nrow=4, byrow=TRUE) serial = matrix(c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0), nrow=8, byrow=TRUE) parallel = matrix(0, 8, 8) gamma = c(0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 1) fmodmix(p, family, serial, parallel, gamma, test = "hommel", exhaust = TRUE)
p = c(0.0194, 0.0068, 0.0271, 0.0088, 0.0370, 0.0018, 0.0814, 0.0066) family = matrix(c(1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1), nrow=4, byrow=TRUE) serial = matrix(c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0), nrow=8, byrow=TRUE) parallel = matrix(0, 8, 8) gamma = c(0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 1) fmodmix(p, family, serial, parallel, gamma, test = "hommel", exhaust = TRUE)
Obtains the test results for group sequential trials using graphical approaches based on weighted Bonferroni tests.
fseqbon( w, G, alpha = 0.025, kMax, typeAlphaSpending = NULL, parameterAlphaSpending = NULL, incidenceMatrix = NULL, maxInformation = NULL, p, information, spendingTime = NULL )
fseqbon( w, G, alpha = 0.025, kMax, typeAlphaSpending = NULL, parameterAlphaSpending = NULL, incidenceMatrix = NULL, maxInformation = NULL, p, information, spendingTime = NULL )
w |
The vector of initial weights for elementary hypotheses. |
G |
The initial transition matrix. |
alpha |
The significance level. Defaults to 0.025. |
kMax |
The maximum number of stages. |
typeAlphaSpending |
The vector of alpha spending functions. Each element is one of the following: "OF" for O'Brien-Fleming boundaries, "P" for Pocock boundaries, "WT" for Wang & Tsiatis boundaries, "sfOF" for O'Brien-Fleming type spending function, "sfP" for Pocock type spending function, "sfKD" for Kim & DeMets spending function, "sfHSD" for Hwang, Shi & DeCani spending function, and "none" for no early efficacy stopping. Defaults to "sfOF" if not provided. |
parameterAlphaSpending |
The vector of parameter values for the alpha spending functions. Each element corresponds to the value of Delta for "WT", rho for "sfKD", or gamma for "sfHSD". Defaults to missing if not provided. |
incidenceMatrix |
The incidence matrix indicating whether the
specific hypothesis will be tested at the given look. The number of
columns of incidenceMatrix must be equal to the maximum number of
study looks ( |
maxInformation |
The vector of target maximum information for each hypothesis. Defaults to a vector of 1s if not provided. |
p |
The matrix of raw p-values for each hypothesis by study look. |
information |
The matrix of observed information for each hypothesis by study look. |
spendingTime |
The spending time for alpha spending by study look.
If not provided, it is the same as |
A vector to indicate the first look the specific hypothesis is rejected (0 if the hypothesis is not rejected).
Kaifeng Lu, [email protected]
Willi Maurer and Frank Bretz. Multiple testing in group sequential trials using graphical approaches. Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research. 2013; 5:311-320.
# Case study from Maurer & Bretz (2013) fseqbon( w = c(0.5, 0.5, 0, 0), G = matrix(c(0, 0.5, 0.5, 0, 0.5, 0, 0, 0.5, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0), nrow=4, ncol=4, byrow=TRUE), alpha = 0.025, kMax = 3, typeAlphaSpending = rep("sfOF", 4), maxInformation = rep(1, 4), p = matrix(c(0.0062, 0.017, 0.009, 0.13, 0.0002, 0.0035, 0.002, 0.06), nrow=4, ncol=2), information = matrix(c(rep(1/3, 4), rep(2/3, 4)), nrow=4, ncol=2))
# Case study from Maurer & Bretz (2013) fseqbon( w = c(0.5, 0.5, 0, 0), G = matrix(c(0, 0.5, 0.5, 0, 0.5, 0, 0, 0.5, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0), nrow=4, ncol=4, byrow=TRUE), alpha = 0.025, kMax = 3, typeAlphaSpending = rep("sfOF", 4), maxInformation = rep(1, 4), p = matrix(c(0.0062, 0.017, 0.009, 0.13, 0.0002, 0.0035, 0.002, 0.06), nrow=4, ncol=2), information = matrix(c(rep(1/3, 4), rep(2/3, 4)), nrow=4, ncol=2))
Obtains the adjusted p-values for the standard gatekeeping procedures for multiplicity problems involving serial and parallel logical restrictions.
fstdmix( p, family = NULL, serial, parallel, gamma, test = "hommel", exhaust = TRUE )
fstdmix( p, family = NULL, serial, parallel, gamma, test = "hommel", exhaust = TRUE )
p |
The raw p-values for elementary hypotheses. |
family |
The matrix of family indicators for the hypotheses. |
serial |
The matrix of serial rejection set for the hypotheses. |
parallel |
The matrix of parallel rejection set for the hypotheses. |
gamma |
The truncation parameters for each family. The truncation parameter for the last family is automatically set to 1. |
test |
The component multiple testing procedure. Options include "holm", "hochberg", or "hommel". Defaults to "hommel". |
exhaust |
Whether to use alpha-exhausting component testing procedure
for the last family with active hypotheses. It defaults to |
A matrix of adjusted p-values.
Kaifeng Lu, [email protected]
Alex Dmitrienko and Ajit C Tamhane. Mixtures of multiple testing procedures for gatekeeping applications in clinical trials. Statistics in Medicine. 2011; 30(13):1473–1488.
p = c(0.0194, 0.0068, 0.0271, 0.0088, 0.0370, 0.0018, 0.0814, 0.0066) family = matrix(c(1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1), nrow=4, byrow=TRUE) serial = matrix(c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0), nrow=8, byrow=TRUE) parallel = matrix(0, 8, 8) gamma = c(0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 1) fstdmix(p, family, serial, parallel, gamma, test = "hommel", exhaust = FALSE)
p = c(0.0194, 0.0068, 0.0271, 0.0088, 0.0370, 0.0018, 0.0814, 0.0066) family = matrix(c(1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1), nrow=4, byrow=TRUE) serial = matrix(c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0), nrow=8, byrow=TRUE) parallel = matrix(0, 8, 8) gamma = c(0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 1) fstdmix(p, family, serial, parallel, gamma, test = "hommel", exhaust = FALSE)
Obtains the adjusted p-values for the stepwise gatekeeping procedures for multiplicity problems involving two sequences of hypotheses.
fstp2seq(p, gamma, test = "hochberg", retest = TRUE)
fstp2seq(p, gamma, test = "hochberg", retest = TRUE)
p |
The raw p-values for elementary hypotheses. |
gamma |
The truncation parameters for each family. The truncation parameter for the last family is automatically set to 1. |
test |
The component multiple testing procedure. It is either "Holm" or "Hochberg", and it defaults to "Hochberg". |
retest |
Whether to allow retesting. It defaults to |
A matrix of adjusted p-values.
Kaifeng Lu, [email protected]
p = c(0.0194, 0.0068, 0.0271, 0.0088, 0.0370, 0.0018, 0.0814, 0.0066) gamma = c(0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 1) fstp2seq(p, gamma, test="hochberg", retest=1)
p = c(0.0194, 0.0068, 0.0271, 0.0088, 0.0370, 0.0018, 0.0814, 0.0066) gamma = c(0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 1) fstp2seq(p, gamma, test="hochberg", retest=1)
Obtains the weight matrix for all intersection hypotheses.
fwgtmat(w, G)
fwgtmat(w, G)
w |
The vector of weights for elementary hypotheses. |
G |
The transition matrix. |
The weight matrix starting with the global null hypothesis.
Kaifeng Lu, [email protected]
w = c(0.5,0.5,0,0) g = matrix(c(0,0,1,0, 0,0,0,1, 0,1,0,0, 1,0,0,0), nrow=4, ncol=4, byrow=TRUE) (wgtmat = fwgtmat(w,g))
w = c(0.5,0.5,0,0) g = matrix(c(0,0,1,0, 0,0,0,1, 0,1,0,0, 1,0,0,0), nrow=4, ncol=4, byrow=TRUE) (wgtmat = fwgtmat(w,g))
Obtains the accrual duration to enroll the target number of subjects.
getAccrualDurationFromN( nsubjects = NA_real_, accrualTime = 0L, accrualIntensity = NA_real_ )
getAccrualDurationFromN( nsubjects = NA_real_, accrualTime = 0L, accrualIntensity = NA_real_ )
nsubjects |
The vector of target number of subjects. |
accrualTime |
A vector that specifies the starting time of
piecewise Poisson enrollment time intervals. Must start with 0, e.g.,
accrualIntensity |
A vector of accrual intensities. One for each accrual time interval. |
A vector of accrual durations.
Kaifeng Lu, [email protected]
getAccrualDurationFromN(nsubjects = c(20, 150), accrualTime = c(0, 3), accrualIntensity = c(10, 20))
getAccrualDurationFromN(nsubjects = c(20, 150), accrualTime = c(0, 3), accrualIntensity = c(10, 20))
Obtains the efficacy stopping boundaries for a group sequential design.
getBound( k = NA, informationRates = NA, alpha = 0.025, typeAlphaSpending = "sfOF", parameterAlphaSpending = NA, userAlphaSpending = NA, spendingTime = NA, efficacyStopping = NA )
getBound( k = NA, informationRates = NA, alpha = 0.025, typeAlphaSpending = "sfOF", parameterAlphaSpending = NA, userAlphaSpending = NA, spendingTime = NA, efficacyStopping = NA )
k |
Look number for the current analysis. |
informationRates |
Information rates up to the current look. Must be increasing and less than or equal to 1. |
alpha |
The significance level. Defaults to 0.025. |
typeAlphaSpending |
The type of alpha spending. One of the following: "OF" for O'Brien-Fleming boundaries, "P" for Pocock boundaries, "WT" for Wang & Tsiatis boundaries, "sfOF" for O'Brien-Fleming type spending function, "sfP" for Pocock type spending function, "sfKD" for Kim & DeMets spending function, "sfHSD" for Hwang, Shi & DeCani spending function, "user" for user defined spending, and "none" for no early efficacy stopping. Defaults to "sfOF". |
parameterAlphaSpending |
The parameter value for the alpha spending. Corresponds to Delta for "WT", rho for "sfKD", and gamma for "sfHSD". |
userAlphaSpending |
The user defined alpha spending. Cumulative alpha spent up to each stage. |
spendingTime |
A vector of length |
efficacyStopping |
Indicators of whether efficacy stopping is allowed at each stage. Defaults to true if left unspecified. |
If typeAlphaSpending
is "OF", "P", or "WT", then the boundaries
will be based on equally spaced looks.
A numeric vector of critical values up to the current look.
Kaifeng Lu, [email protected]
getBound(k = 2, informationRates = c(0.5,1), alpha = 0.025, typeAlphaSpending = "sfOF")
getBound(k = 2, informationRates = c(0.5,1), alpha = 0.025, typeAlphaSpending = "sfOF")
Obtains the maximum information and stopping boundaries for a generic group sequential design assuming a constant treatment effect, or obtains the power given the maximum information and stopping boundaries.
getDesign( beta = NA_real_, IMax = NA_real_, theta = NA_real_, kMax = 1L, informationRates = NA_real_, efficacyStopping = NA_integer_, futilityStopping = NA_integer_, criticalValues = NA_real_, alpha = 0.025, typeAlphaSpending = "sfOF", parameterAlphaSpending = NA_real_, userAlphaSpending = NA_real_, futilityBounds = NA_real_, typeBetaSpending = "none", parameterBetaSpending = NA_real_, userBetaSpending = NA_real_, spendingTime = NA_real_, varianceRatio = 1 )
getDesign( beta = NA_real_, IMax = NA_real_, theta = NA_real_, kMax = 1L, informationRates = NA_real_, efficacyStopping = NA_integer_, futilityStopping = NA_integer_, criticalValues = NA_real_, alpha = 0.025, typeAlphaSpending = "sfOF", parameterAlphaSpending = NA_real_, userAlphaSpending = NA_real_, futilityBounds = NA_real_, typeBetaSpending = "none", parameterBetaSpending = NA_real_, userBetaSpending = NA_real_, spendingTime = NA_real_, varianceRatio = 1 )
beta |
The type II error. |
IMax |
The maximum information. Either |
theta |
The parameter value. |
kMax |
The maximum number of stages. |
informationRates |
The information rates. Fixed prior to the trial.
Defaults to |
efficacyStopping |
Indicators of whether efficacy stopping is allowed at each stage. Defaults to true if left unspecified. |
futilityStopping |
Indicators of whether futility stopping is allowed at each stage. Defaults to true if left unspecified. |
criticalValues |
Upper boundaries on the z-test statistic scale for stopping for efficacy. |
alpha |
The significance level. Defaults to 0.025. |
typeAlphaSpending |
The type of alpha spending. One of the following: "OF" for O'Brien-Fleming boundaries, "P" for Pocock boundaries, "WT" for Wang & Tsiatis boundaries, "sfOF" for O'Brien-Fleming type spending function, "sfP" for Pocock type spending function, "sfKD" for Kim & DeMets spending function, "sfHSD" for Hwang, Shi & DeCani spending function, "user" for user defined spending, and "none" for no early efficacy stopping. Defaults to "sfOF". |
parameterAlphaSpending |
The parameter value for the alpha spending. Corresponds to Delta for "WT", rho for "sfKD", and gamma for "sfHSD". |
userAlphaSpending |
The user defined alpha spending. Cumulative alpha spent up to each stage. |
futilityBounds |
Lower boundaries on the z-test statistic scale
for stopping for futility at stages 1, ..., |
typeBetaSpending |
The type of beta spending. One of the following: "sfOF" for O'Brien-Fleming type spending function, "sfP" for Pocock type spending function, "sfKD" for Kim & DeMets spending function, "sfHSD" for Hwang, Shi & DeCani spending function, "user" for user defined spending, and "none" for no early futility stopping. Defaults to "none". |
parameterBetaSpending |
The parameter value for the beta spending. Corresponds to rho for "sfKD", and gamma for "sfHSD". |
userBetaSpending |
The user defined beta spending. Cumulative beta spent up to each stage. |
spendingTime |
A vector of length |
varianceRatio |
The ratio of the variance under H0 to the variance under H1. |
An S3 class design
object with three components:
: A data frame containing the following variables:
: The overall rejection probability.
: The overall significance level.
: The attained significance level, which is
different from the overall significance level in the presence of
futility stopping.
: The number of stages.
: The parameter value.
: The maximum information.
: The expected information under H1.
: The expected information under H0.
: The drift parameter, equal to
: The inflation factor (relative to the
fixed design).
: A data frame containing the following variables:
: The information rates.
: The efficacy boundaries on the Z-scale.
: The futility boundaries on the Z-scale.
: The probability for efficacy stopping.
: The probability for futility stopping.
: The cumulative probability for efficacy
: The cumulative probability for futility
: The cumulative alpha spent.
: The efficacy boundaries on the parameter
: The futility boundaries on the parameter
: The efficacy boundaries on the p-value scale.
: The futility boundaries on the p-value scale.
: The cumulative information.
: Whether to allow efficacy stopping.
: Whether to allow futility stopping.
: The probability for efficacy stopping
under H0.
: The probability for futility stopping
under H0.
: The cumulative probability for
efficacy stopping under H0.
: The cumulative probability for
futility stopping under H0.
: A list containing the following input parameters:
: The type of alpha spending.
: The parameter value for alpha
: The user defined alpha spending.
: The type of beta spending.
: The parameter value for beta
: The user defined beta spending.
: The error spending time at each analysis.
: The ratio of the variance under H0
to the variance under H1.
Kaifeng Lu, [email protected]
Christopher Jennison, Bruce W. Turnbull. Group Sequential Methods with Applications to Clinical Trials. Chapman & Hall/CRC: Boca Raton, 2000, ISBN:0849303168
# Example 1: obtain the maximum information given power (design1 <- getDesign( beta = 0.2, theta = -log(0.7), kMax = 2, informationRates = c(0.5,1), alpha = 0.025, typeAlphaSpending = "sfOF", typeBetaSpending = "sfP")) # Example 2: obtain power given the maximum information (design2 <- getDesign( IMax = 72.5, theta = -log(0.7), kMax = 3, informationRates = c(0.5, 0.75, 1), alpha = 0.025, typeAlphaSpending = "sfOF", typeBetaSpending = "sfP"))
# Example 1: obtain the maximum information given power (design1 <- getDesign( beta = 0.2, theta = -log(0.7), kMax = 2, informationRates = c(0.5,1), alpha = 0.025, typeAlphaSpending = "sfOF", typeBetaSpending = "sfP")) # Example 2: obtain power given the maximum information (design2 <- getDesign( IMax = 72.5, theta = -log(0.7), kMax = 3, informationRates = c(0.5, 0.75, 1), alpha = 0.025, typeAlphaSpending = "sfOF", typeBetaSpending = "sfP"))
Obtains a range of accrual duration to reach the target number of events.
getDurationFromNevents( nevents = NA_real_, allocationRatioPlanned = 1, accrualTime = 0L, accrualIntensity = NA_real_, piecewiseSurvivalTime = 0L, stratumFraction = 1L, lambda1 = NA_real_, lambda2 = NA_real_, gamma1 = 0L, gamma2 = 0L, followupTime = NA_real_, fixedFollowup = 0L, npoints = 23L, interval = as.numeric(c(0.001, 240)) )
getDurationFromNevents( nevents = NA_real_, allocationRatioPlanned = 1, accrualTime = 0L, accrualIntensity = NA_real_, piecewiseSurvivalTime = 0L, stratumFraction = 1L, lambda1 = NA_real_, lambda2 = NA_real_, gamma1 = 0L, gamma2 = 0L, followupTime = NA_real_, fixedFollowup = 0L, npoints = 23L, interval = as.numeric(c(0.001, 240)) )
nevents |
The target number of events. |
allocationRatioPlanned |
Allocation ratio for the active treatment versus control. Defaults to 1 for equal randomization. |
accrualTime |
A vector that specifies the starting time of
piecewise Poisson enrollment time intervals. Must start with 0, e.g.,
accrualIntensity |
A vector of accrual intensities. One for each accrual time interval. |
piecewiseSurvivalTime |
A vector that specifies the starting time of
piecewise exponential survival time intervals. Must start with 0, e.g.,
stratumFraction |
A vector of stratum fractions that sum to 1. Defaults to 1 for no stratification. |
lambda1 |
A vector of hazard rates for the event in each analysis time interval by stratum for the active treatment group. |
lambda2 |
A vector of hazard rates for the event in each analysis time interval by stratum for the control group. |
gamma1 |
The hazard rate for exponential dropout, a vector of hazard rates for piecewise exponential dropout applicable for all strata, or a vector of hazard rates for dropout in each analysis time interval by stratum for the active treatment group. |
gamma2 |
The hazard rate for exponential dropout, a vector of hazard rates for piecewise exponential dropout applicable for all strata, or a vector of hazard rates for dropout in each analysis time interval by stratum for the control group. |
followupTime |
Follow-up time for the last enrolled subjects. Must be provided for fixed follow-up design. |
fixedFollowup |
Whether a fixed follow-up design is used. Defaults to 0 for variable follow-up. |
npoints |
The number of accrual duration time points. Defaults to 23. |
interval |
The interval to search for the solution of
accrualDuration. Defaults to |
A data frame of the following variables:
: The target number of events.
: Whether a fixed follow-up design is used.
: The accrual duration.
: The total number of subjects.
: The follow-up time for the last enrolled subject.
: The study duration.
Kaifeng Lu, [email protected]
# Piecewise accrual, piecewise exponential survivals, and 5% dropout by # the end of 1 year. getDurationFromNevents( nevents = 80, allocationRatioPlanned = 1, accrualTime = seq(0, 8), accrualIntensity = 26/9*seq(1, 9), piecewiseSurvivalTime = c(0, 6), lambda1 = c(0.0533, 0.0309), lambda2 = c(0.0533, 0.0533), gamma1 = -log(1-0.05)/12, gamma2 = -log(1-0.05)/12, fixedFollowup = FALSE)
# Piecewise accrual, piecewise exponential survivals, and 5% dropout by # the end of 1 year. getDurationFromNevents( nevents = 80, allocationRatioPlanned = 1, accrualTime = seq(0, 8), accrualIntensity = 26/9*seq(1, 9), piecewiseSurvivalTime = c(0, 6), lambda1 = c(0.0533, 0.0309), lambda2 = c(0.0533, 0.0533), gamma1 = -log(1-0.05)/12, gamma2 = -log(1-0.05)/12, fixedFollowup = FALSE)
Obtains the required number of events given the hazard ratios under the null and alternative hypotheses for a group sequential design.
getNeventsFromHazardRatio( beta = 0.2, kMax = 1L, informationRates = NA_real_, efficacyStopping = NA_integer_, futilityStopping = NA_integer_, criticalValues = NA_real_, alpha = 0.025, typeAlphaSpending = "sfOF", parameterAlphaSpending = NA_real_, userAlphaSpending = NA_real_, futilityBounds = NA_real_, typeBetaSpending = "none", parameterBetaSpending = NA_real_, userBetaSpending = NA_real_, spendingTime = NA_real_, hazardRatioH0 = 1, hazardRatio = NA_real_, allocationRatioPlanned = 1, rounding = 1L )
getNeventsFromHazardRatio( beta = 0.2, kMax = 1L, informationRates = NA_real_, efficacyStopping = NA_integer_, futilityStopping = NA_integer_, criticalValues = NA_real_, alpha = 0.025, typeAlphaSpending = "sfOF", parameterAlphaSpending = NA_real_, userAlphaSpending = NA_real_, futilityBounds = NA_real_, typeBetaSpending = "none", parameterBetaSpending = NA_real_, userBetaSpending = NA_real_, spendingTime = NA_real_, hazardRatioH0 = 1, hazardRatio = NA_real_, allocationRatioPlanned = 1, rounding = 1L )
beta |
Type II error. Defaults to 0.2. |
kMax |
The maximum number of stages. |
informationRates |
The information rates in terms of number of
events. Fixed prior to the trial. Defaults to |
efficacyStopping |
Indicators of whether efficacy stopping is allowed at each stage. Defaults to true if left unspecified. |
futilityStopping |
Indicators of whether futility stopping is allowed at each stage. Defaults to true if left unspecified. |
criticalValues |
Upper boundaries on the z-test statistic scale for stopping for efficacy. |
alpha |
The significance level. Defaults to 0.025. |
typeAlphaSpending |
The type of alpha spending. One of the following: "OF" for O'Brien-Fleming boundaries, "P" for Pocock boundaries, "WT" for Wang & Tsiatis boundaries, "sfOF" for O'Brien-Fleming type spending function, "sfP" for Pocock type spending function, "sfKD" for Kim & DeMets spending function, "sfHSD" for Hwang, Shi & DeCani spending function, "user" for user defined spending, and "none" for no early efficacy stopping. Defaults to "sfOF". |
parameterAlphaSpending |
The parameter value for the alpha spending. Corresponds to Delta for "WT", rho for "sfKD", and gamma for "sfHSD". |
userAlphaSpending |
The user defined alpha spending. Cumulative alpha spent up to each stage. |
futilityBounds |
Lower boundaries on the z-test statistic scale
for stopping for futility at stages 1, ..., |
typeBetaSpending |
The type of beta spending. One of the following: "sfOF" for O'Brien-Fleming type spending function, "sfP" for Pocock type spending function, "sfKD" for Kim & DeMets spending function, "sfHSD" for Hwang, Shi & DeCani spending function, "user" for user defined spending, and "none" for no early futility stopping. Defaults to "none". |
parameterBetaSpending |
The parameter value for the beta spending. Corresponds to rho for "sfKD", and gamma for "sfHSD". |
userBetaSpending |
The user defined beta spending. Cumulative beta spent up to each stage. |
spendingTime |
A vector of length |
hazardRatioH0 |
Hazard ratio under the null hypothesis for the active treatment versus control. Defaults to 1 for superiority test. |
hazardRatio |
Hazard ratio under the alternative hypothesis for the active treatment versus control. Defaults to 0.5. |
allocationRatioPlanned |
Allocation ratio for the active treatment versus control. Defaults to 1 for equal randomization. |
rounding |
Whether to round up the number of events. Defaults to 1 for rounding. |
The required number of events.
Kaifeng Lu, [email protected]
getNeventsFromHazardRatio( beta = 0.2, kMax = 2, informationRates = c(0.5,1), alpha = 0.025, typeAlphaSpending = "sfOF", typeBetaSpending = "sfP", hazardRatio = 0.673)
getNeventsFromHazardRatio( beta = 0.2, kMax = 2, informationRates = c(0.5,1), alpha = 0.025, typeAlphaSpending = "sfOF", typeBetaSpending = "sfP", hazardRatio = 0.673)
Obtains the Kaplan-Meier estimates of the survival curve.
kmest( data, rep = "", stratum = "", time = "time", event = "event", conftype = "log-log", conflev = 0.95 )
kmest( data, rep = "", stratum = "", time = "time", event = "event", conftype = "log-log", conflev = 0.95 )
data |
The input data frame that contains the following variables:
rep |
The name(s) of the replication variable(s) in the input data. |
stratum |
The name(s) of the stratum variable(s) in the input data. |
time |
The name of the time variable in the input data. |
event |
The name of the event variable in the input data. |
conftype |
The type of the confidence interval. One of "none", "plain", "log", "log-log" (the default), or "arcsin". The arcsin option bases the intervals on asin(sqrt(survival)). |
conflev |
The level of the two-sided confidence interval for the survival probabilities. Defaults to 0.95. |
A data frame with the following variables:
: The number of subjects in the stratum.
: The event time.
: The number of subjects at risk.
: The number of subjects having the event.
: The Kaplan-Meier estimate of the survival probability.
: The standard error of the estimated survival
probability based on the Greendwood formula.
: The lower bound of confidence interval if requested.
: The upper bound of confidence interval if requested.
: The level of confidence interval if requested.
: The type of confidence interval if requested.
: The stratum.
: The replication.
Kaifeng Lu, [email protected]
kmest(data = aml, stratum = "x", time = "time", event = "status")
kmest(data = aml, stratum = "x", time = "time", event = "status")
Estimates the power, stopping probabilities, and expected sample size in a two-group survival design.
lrpower( kMax = 1L, informationRates = NA_real_, efficacyStopping = NA_integer_, futilityStopping = NA_integer_, criticalValues = NA_real_, alpha = 0.025, typeAlphaSpending = "sfOF", parameterAlphaSpending = NA_real_, userAlphaSpending = NA_real_, futilityBounds = NA_real_, typeBetaSpending = "none", parameterBetaSpending = NA_real_, hazardRatioH0 = 1, allocationRatioPlanned = 1, accrualTime = 0L, accrualIntensity = NA_real_, piecewiseSurvivalTime = 0L, stratumFraction = 1L, lambda1 = NA_real_, lambda2 = NA_real_, gamma1 = 0L, gamma2 = 0L, accrualDuration = NA_real_, followupTime = NA_real_, fixedFollowup = 0L, rho1 = 0, rho2 = 0, estimateHazardRatio = 1L, typeOfComputation = "direct", spendingTime = NA_real_, studyDuration = NA_real_ )
lrpower( kMax = 1L, informationRates = NA_real_, efficacyStopping = NA_integer_, futilityStopping = NA_integer_, criticalValues = NA_real_, alpha = 0.025, typeAlphaSpending = "sfOF", parameterAlphaSpending = NA_real_, userAlphaSpending = NA_real_, futilityBounds = NA_real_, typeBetaSpending = "none", parameterBetaSpending = NA_real_, hazardRatioH0 = 1, allocationRatioPlanned = 1, accrualTime = 0L, accrualIntensity = NA_real_, piecewiseSurvivalTime = 0L, stratumFraction = 1L, lambda1 = NA_real_, lambda2 = NA_real_, gamma1 = 0L, gamma2 = 0L, accrualDuration = NA_real_, followupTime = NA_real_, fixedFollowup = 0L, rho1 = 0, rho2 = 0, estimateHazardRatio = 1L, typeOfComputation = "direct", spendingTime = NA_real_, studyDuration = NA_real_ )
kMax |
The maximum number of stages. |
informationRates |
The information rates in terms of number
of events for the conventional log-rank test and in terms of
the actual information for weighted log-rank tests.
Defaults to |
efficacyStopping |
Indicators of whether efficacy stopping is allowed at each stage. Defaults to true if left unspecified. |
futilityStopping |
Indicators of whether futility stopping is allowed at each stage. Defaults to true if left unspecified. |
criticalValues |
Upper boundaries on the z-test statistic scale for stopping for efficacy. |
alpha |
The significance level. Defaults to 0.025. |
typeAlphaSpending |
The type of alpha spending. One of the following: "OF" for O'Brien-Fleming boundaries, "P" for Pocock boundaries, "WT" for Wang & Tsiatis boundaries, "sfOF" for O'Brien-Fleming type spending function, "sfP" for Pocock type spending function, "sfKD" for Kim & DeMets spending function, "sfHSD" for Hwang, Shi & DeCani spending function, "user" for user defined spending, and "none" for no early efficacy stopping. Defaults to "sfOF". |
parameterAlphaSpending |
The parameter value for the alpha spending. Corresponds to Delta for "WT", rho for "sfKD", and gamma for "sfHSD". |
userAlphaSpending |
The user defined alpha spending. Cumulative alpha spent up to each stage. |
futilityBounds |
Lower boundaries on the z-test statistic scale
for stopping for futility at stages 1, ..., |
typeBetaSpending |
The type of beta spending. One of the following: "sfOF" for O'Brien-Fleming type spending function, "sfP" for Pocock type spending function, "sfKD" for Kim & DeMets spending function, "sfHSD" for Hwang, Shi & DeCani spending function, and "none" for no early futility stopping. Defaults to "none". |
parameterBetaSpending |
The parameter value for the beta spending. Corresponds to rho for "sfKD", and gamma for "sfHSD". |
hazardRatioH0 |
Hazard ratio under the null hypothesis for the active treatment versus control. Defaults to 1 for superiority test. |
allocationRatioPlanned |
Allocation ratio for the active treatment versus control. Defaults to 1 for equal randomization. |
accrualTime |
A vector that specifies the starting time of
piecewise Poisson enrollment time intervals. Must start with 0, e.g.,
accrualIntensity |
A vector of accrual intensities. One for each accrual time interval. |
piecewiseSurvivalTime |
A vector that specifies the starting time of
piecewise exponential survival time intervals. Must start with 0, e.g.,
stratumFraction |
A vector of stratum fractions that sum to 1. Defaults to 1 for no stratification. |
lambda1 |
A vector of hazard rates for the event in each analysis time interval by stratum for the active treatment group. |
lambda2 |
A vector of hazard rates for the event in each analysis time interval by stratum for the control group. |
gamma1 |
The hazard rate for exponential dropout, a vector of hazard rates for piecewise exponential dropout applicable for all strata, or a vector of hazard rates for dropout in each analysis time interval by stratum for the active treatment group. |
gamma2 |
The hazard rate for exponential dropout, a vector of hazard rates for piecewise exponential dropout applicable for all strata, or a vector of hazard rates for dropout in each analysis time interval by stratum for the control group. |
accrualDuration |
Duration of the enrollment period. |
followupTime |
Follow-up time for the last enrolled subject. |
fixedFollowup |
Whether a fixed follow-up design is used. Defaults to 0 for variable follow-up. |
rho1 |
The first parameter of the Fleming-Harrington family of weighted log-rank test. Defaults to 0 for conventional log-rank test. |
rho2 |
The second parameter of the Fleming-Harrington family of weighted log-rank test. Defaults to 0 for conventional log-rank test. |
estimateHazardRatio |
Whether to estimate the hazard ratio from weighted Cox regression model and report the stopping boundaries on the hazard ratio scale. |
typeOfComputation |
The type of computation, either "direct" for the direct approximation method, or "schoenfeld" for the Schoenfeld method. Defaults to "direct". Can use "Schoenfeld" under proportional hazards and conventional log-rank test. |
spendingTime |
A vector of length |
studyDuration |
Study duration for fixed follow-up design.
Defaults to missing, which is to be replaced with the sum of
An S3 class lrpower
object with 4 components:
: A data frame containing the following variables:
: The overall rejection probability.
: The overall significance level.
: The total number of events.
: The total number of dropouts.
: The total number of subjects.
: The total study duration.
: The maximum information.
: The expected number of events.
: The expected number of dropouts.
: The expected number of subjects.
: The expected study duration.
: The expected information.
: The accrual duration.
: The follow-up time.
: Whether a fixed follow-up design is used.
: The first parameter of the Fleming-Harrington family
of weighted log-rank test.
: The second parameter of the Fleming-Harrington family
of weighted log-rank test.
: The number of stages.
: The hazard ratio under the null hypothesis.
: The type of computation,
either "direct" for the direct approximation method,
or "schoenfeld" for the Schoenfeld method.
: A data frame containing the following variables:
: The information rates.
: The efficacy boundaries on the Z-scale.
: The futility boundaries on the Z-scale.
: The probability for efficacy stopping.
: The probability for futility stopping.
: The cumulative probability for efficacy
: The cumulative probability for futility
: The cumulative alpha spent.
: The number of events.
: The number of dropouts.
: The number of subjects.
: The average time since trial start.
: The efficacy boundaries on the hazard ratio
scale if estimateHazardRatio
: The futility boundaries on the hazard ratio
scale if estimateHazardRatio
: The efficacy boundaries on the p-value scale.
: The futility boundaries on the p-value scale.
: The cumulative information.
: The average hazard ratio.
: Whether to allow efficacy stopping.
: Whether to allow futility stopping.
: A list containing the following input parameters:
, parameterAlphaSpending
, typeBetaSpending
, allocationRatioPlanned
, accuralIntensity
, stratumFraction
, lambda2
, gamma1
, gamma2
, and spendingTime
: A list containing the following counts by
treatment group:
: The number of events by stage for
the treatment group.
: The number of dropouts by stage for
the treatment group.
: The number of subjects by stage for
the treatment group.
: The number of events by stage for
the control group.
: The number of dropouts by stage for
the control group.
: The number of subjects by stage for
the control group.
: The expected number of events for
the treatment group.
: The expected number of dropouts
for the treatment group.
: The expected number of subjects
for the treatment group.
: The expected number of events for
control group.
: The expected number of dropouts
for the control group.
: The expected number of subjects
for the control group.
Kaifeng Lu, [email protected]
# Piecewise accrual, piecewise exponential survival, and 5% dropout by # the end of 1 year. lrpower(kMax = 2, informationRates = c(0.8, 1), alpha = 0.025, typeAlphaSpending = "sfOF", allocationRatioPlanned = 1, accrualTime = seq(0, 8), accrualIntensity = 26/9*seq(1, 9), piecewiseSurvivalTime = c(0, 6), lambda1 = c(0.0533, 0.0309), lambda2 = c(0.0533, 0.0533), gamma1 = -log(1-0.05)/12, gamma2 = -log(1-0.05)/12, accrualDuration = 22, followupTime = 18, fixedFollowup = FALSE)
# Piecewise accrual, piecewise exponential survival, and 5% dropout by # the end of 1 year. lrpower(kMax = 2, informationRates = c(0.8, 1), alpha = 0.025, typeAlphaSpending = "sfOF", allocationRatioPlanned = 1, accrualTime = seq(0, 8), accrualIntensity = 26/9*seq(1, 9), piecewiseSurvivalTime = c(0, 6), lambda1 = c(0.0533, 0.0309), lambda2 = c(0.0533, 0.0533), gamma1 = -log(1-0.05)/12, gamma2 = -log(1-0.05)/12, accrualDuration = 22, followupTime = 18, fixedFollowup = FALSE)
Obtains the needed accrual duration given power and follow-up time, the needed follow-up time given power and accrual duration, or the needed absolute accrual rates given power, accrual duration, follow-up time, and relative accrual rates in a two-group survival design.
lrsamplesize( beta = 0.2, kMax = 1L, informationRates = NA_real_, efficacyStopping = NA_integer_, futilityStopping = NA_integer_, criticalValues = NA_real_, alpha = 0.025, typeAlphaSpending = "sfOF", parameterAlphaSpending = NA_real_, userAlphaSpending = NA_real_, futilityBounds = NA_real_, typeBetaSpending = "none", parameterBetaSpending = NA_real_, userBetaSpending = NA_real_, hazardRatioH0 = 1, allocationRatioPlanned = 1, accrualTime = 0L, accrualIntensity = NA_real_, piecewiseSurvivalTime = 0L, stratumFraction = 1L, lambda1 = NA_real_, lambda2 = NA_real_, gamma1 = 0L, gamma2 = 0L, accrualDuration = NA_real_, followupTime = NA_real_, fixedFollowup = 0L, rho1 = 0, rho2 = 0, estimateHazardRatio = 1L, typeOfComputation = "direct", interval = as.numeric(c(0.001, 240)), spendingTime = NA_real_, rounding = 1L )
lrsamplesize( beta = 0.2, kMax = 1L, informationRates = NA_real_, efficacyStopping = NA_integer_, futilityStopping = NA_integer_, criticalValues = NA_real_, alpha = 0.025, typeAlphaSpending = "sfOF", parameterAlphaSpending = NA_real_, userAlphaSpending = NA_real_, futilityBounds = NA_real_, typeBetaSpending = "none", parameterBetaSpending = NA_real_, userBetaSpending = NA_real_, hazardRatioH0 = 1, allocationRatioPlanned = 1, accrualTime = 0L, accrualIntensity = NA_real_, piecewiseSurvivalTime = 0L, stratumFraction = 1L, lambda1 = NA_real_, lambda2 = NA_real_, gamma1 = 0L, gamma2 = 0L, accrualDuration = NA_real_, followupTime = NA_real_, fixedFollowup = 0L, rho1 = 0, rho2 = 0, estimateHazardRatio = 1L, typeOfComputation = "direct", interval = as.numeric(c(0.001, 240)), spendingTime = NA_real_, rounding = 1L )
beta |
Type II error. Defaults to 0.2. |
kMax |
The maximum number of stages. |
informationRates |
The information rates in terms of number
of events for the conventional log-rank test and in terms of
the actual information for weighted log-rank tests.
Defaults to |
efficacyStopping |
Indicators of whether efficacy stopping is allowed at each stage. Defaults to true if left unspecified. |
futilityStopping |
Indicators of whether futility stopping is allowed at each stage. Defaults to true if left unspecified. |
criticalValues |
Upper boundaries on the z-test statistic scale for stopping for efficacy. |
alpha |
The significance level. Defaults to 0.025. |
typeAlphaSpending |
The type of alpha spending. One of the following: "OF" for O'Brien-Fleming boundaries, "P" for Pocock boundaries, "WT" for Wang & Tsiatis boundaries, "sfOF" for O'Brien-Fleming type spending function, "sfP" for Pocock type spending function, "sfKD" for Kim & DeMets spending function, "sfHSD" for Hwang, Shi & DeCani spending function, "user" for user defined spending, and "none" for no early efficacy stopping. Defaults to "sfOF". |
parameterAlphaSpending |
The parameter value for the alpha spending. Corresponds to Delta for "WT", rho for "sfKD", and gamma for "sfHSD". |
userAlphaSpending |
The user defined alpha spending. Cumulative alpha spent up to each stage. |
futilityBounds |
Lower boundaries on the z-test statistic scale
for stopping for futility at stages 1, ..., |
typeBetaSpending |
The type of beta spending. One of the following: "sfOF" for O'Brien-Fleming type spending function, "sfP" for Pocock type spending function, "sfKD" for Kim & DeMets spending function, "sfHSD" for Hwang, Shi & DeCani spending function, "user" for user defined spending, and "none" for no early futility stopping. Defaults to "none". |
parameterBetaSpending |
The parameter value for the beta spending. Corresponds to rho for "sfKD", and gamma for "sfHSD". |
userBetaSpending |
The user defined beta spending. Cumulative beta spent up to each stage. |
hazardRatioH0 |
Hazard ratio under the null hypothesis for the active treatment versus control. Defaults to 1 for superiority test. |
allocationRatioPlanned |
Allocation ratio for the active treatment versus control. Defaults to 1 for equal randomization. |
accrualTime |
A vector that specifies the starting time of
piecewise Poisson enrollment time intervals. Must start with 0, e.g.,
accrualIntensity |
A vector of accrual intensities. One for each accrual time interval. |
piecewiseSurvivalTime |
A vector that specifies the starting time of
piecewise exponential survival time intervals. Must start with 0, e.g.,
stratumFraction |
A vector of stratum fractions that sum to 1. Defaults to 1 for no stratification. |
lambda1 |
A vector of hazard rates for the event in each analysis time interval by stratum for the active treatment group. |
lambda2 |
A vector of hazard rates for the event in each analysis time interval by stratum for the control group. |
gamma1 |
The hazard rate for exponential dropout, a vector of hazard rates for piecewise exponential dropout applicable for all strata, or a vector of hazard rates for dropout in each analysis time interval by stratum for the active treatment group. |
gamma2 |
The hazard rate for exponential dropout, a vector of hazard rates for piecewise exponential dropout applicable for all strata, or a vector of hazard rates for dropout in each analysis time interval by stratum for the control group. |
accrualDuration |
Duration of the enrollment period. |
followupTime |
Follow-up time for the last enrolled subject. |
fixedFollowup |
Whether a fixed follow-up design is used. Defaults to 0 for variable follow-up. |
rho1 |
The first parameter of the Fleming-Harrington family of weighted log-rank test. Defaults to 0 for conventional log-rank test. |
rho2 |
The second parameter of the Fleming-Harrington family of weighted log-rank test. Defaults to 0 for conventional log-rank test. |
estimateHazardRatio |
Whether to estimate the hazard ratio from weighted Cox regression model and report the stopping boundaries on the hazard ratio scale. |
typeOfComputation |
The type of computation, either "direct" for the direct approximation method, or "schoenfeld" for the Schoenfeld method. Defaults to "direct". Can use "Schoenfeld" under proportional hazards and conventional log-rank test. |
interval |
The interval to search for the solution of
accrualDuration, followupTime, or the proportionality constant
of accrualIntensity. Defaults to |
spendingTime |
A vector of length |
rounding |
Whether to round up sample size and events. Defaults to 1 for sample size rounding. |
A list of two components:
: An S3 class lrpower
object under the
alternative hypothesis.
: An S3 class lrpower
object under the
null hypothesis.
Kaifeng Lu, [email protected]
# Piecewise accrual, piecewise exponential survival, and 5% dropout by # the end of 1 year. # Example 1: Obtains accrual duration given power and follow-up time lrsamplesize(beta = 0.2, kMax = 2, informationRates = c(0.8, 1), alpha = 0.025, typeAlphaSpending = "sfOF", accrualTime = seq(0, 8), accrualIntensity = 26/9*seq(1, 9), piecewiseSurvivalTime = c(0, 6), lambda1 = c(0.0533, 0.0309), lambda2 = c(0.0533, 0.0533), gamma1 = -log(1-0.05)/12, gamma2 = -log(1-0.05)/12, accrualDuration = NA, followupTime = 18, fixedFollowup = FALSE) # Example 2: Obtains follow-up time given power and accrual duration lrsamplesize(beta = 0.2, kMax = 2, informationRates = c(0.8, 1), alpha = 0.025, typeAlphaSpending = "sfOF", accrualTime = seq(0, 8), accrualIntensity = 26/9*seq(1, 9), piecewiseSurvivalTime = c(0, 6), lambda1 = c(0.0533, 0.0309), lambda2 = c(0.0533, 0.0533), gamma1 = -log(1-0.05)/12, gamma2 = -log(1-0.05)/12, accrualDuration = 22, followupTime = NA, fixedFollowup = FALSE) # Example 3: Obtains absolute accrual intensity given power, # accrual duration, follow-up time, and relative accrual intensity lrsamplesize(beta = 0.2, kMax = 2, informationRates = c(0.8, 1), alpha = 0.025, typeAlphaSpending = "sfOF", accrualTime = seq(0, 8), accrualIntensity = 26/9*seq(1, 9), piecewiseSurvivalTime = c(0, 6), lambda1 = c(0.0533, 0.0309), lambda2 = c(0.0533, 0.0533), gamma1 = -log(1-0.05)/12, gamma2 = -log(1-0.05)/12, accrualDuration = 22, followupTime = 18, fixedFollowup = FALSE)
# Piecewise accrual, piecewise exponential survival, and 5% dropout by # the end of 1 year. # Example 1: Obtains accrual duration given power and follow-up time lrsamplesize(beta = 0.2, kMax = 2, informationRates = c(0.8, 1), alpha = 0.025, typeAlphaSpending = "sfOF", accrualTime = seq(0, 8), accrualIntensity = 26/9*seq(1, 9), piecewiseSurvivalTime = c(0, 6), lambda1 = c(0.0533, 0.0309), lambda2 = c(0.0533, 0.0533), gamma1 = -log(1-0.05)/12, gamma2 = -log(1-0.05)/12, accrualDuration = NA, followupTime = 18, fixedFollowup = FALSE) # Example 2: Obtains follow-up time given power and accrual duration lrsamplesize(beta = 0.2, kMax = 2, informationRates = c(0.8, 1), alpha = 0.025, typeAlphaSpending = "sfOF", accrualTime = seq(0, 8), accrualIntensity = 26/9*seq(1, 9), piecewiseSurvivalTime = c(0, 6), lambda1 = c(0.0533, 0.0309), lambda2 = c(0.0533, 0.0533), gamma1 = -log(1-0.05)/12, gamma2 = -log(1-0.05)/12, accrualDuration = 22, followupTime = NA, fixedFollowup = FALSE) # Example 3: Obtains absolute accrual intensity given power, # accrual duration, follow-up time, and relative accrual intensity lrsamplesize(beta = 0.2, kMax = 2, informationRates = c(0.8, 1), alpha = 0.025, typeAlphaSpending = "sfOF", accrualTime = seq(0, 8), accrualIntensity = 26/9*seq(1, 9), piecewiseSurvivalTime = c(0, 6), lambda1 = c(0.0533, 0.0309), lambda2 = c(0.0533, 0.0533), gamma1 = -log(1-0.05)/12, gamma2 = -log(1-0.05)/12, accrualDuration = 22, followupTime = 18, fixedFollowup = FALSE)
Performs simulation for two-arm group sequential trials based on weighted log-rank test.
lrsim( kMax = 1L, informationRates = NA_real_, criticalValues = NA_real_, futilityBounds = NA_real_, hazardRatioH0 = 1, allocation1 = 1L, allocation2 = 1L, accrualTime = 0L, accrualIntensity = NA_real_, piecewiseSurvivalTime = 0L, stratumFraction = 1L, lambda1 = NA_real_, lambda2 = NA_real_, gamma1 = 0L, gamma2 = 0L, accrualDuration = NA_real_, followupTime = NA_real_, fixedFollowup = 0L, rho1 = 0, rho2 = 0, plannedEvents = NA_integer_, plannedTime = NA_real_, maxNumberOfIterations = 1000L, maxNumberOfRawDatasetsPerStage = 0L, seed = NA_integer_ )
lrsim( kMax = 1L, informationRates = NA_real_, criticalValues = NA_real_, futilityBounds = NA_real_, hazardRatioH0 = 1, allocation1 = 1L, allocation2 = 1L, accrualTime = 0L, accrualIntensity = NA_real_, piecewiseSurvivalTime = 0L, stratumFraction = 1L, lambda1 = NA_real_, lambda2 = NA_real_, gamma1 = 0L, gamma2 = 0L, accrualDuration = NA_real_, followupTime = NA_real_, fixedFollowup = 0L, rho1 = 0, rho2 = 0, plannedEvents = NA_integer_, plannedTime = NA_real_, maxNumberOfIterations = 1000L, maxNumberOfRawDatasetsPerStage = 0L, seed = NA_integer_ )
kMax |
The maximum number of stages. |
informationRates |
The information rates in terms of number
of events for the conventional log-rank test and in terms of
the actual information for weighted log-rank tests.
Fixed prior to the trial. If left unspecified, it defaults to
criticalValues |
Upper boundaries on the z-test statistic scale for stopping for efficacy. |
futilityBounds |
Lower boundaries on the z-test statistic scale
for stopping for futility at stages 1, ..., |
hazardRatioH0 |
Hazard ratio under the null hypothesis for the active treatment versus control. Defaults to 1 for superiority test. |
allocation1 |
Number of subjects in the active treatment group in a randomization block. Defaults to 1 for equal randomization. |
allocation2 |
Number of subjects in the control group in a randomization block. Defaults to 1 for equal randomization. |
accrualTime |
A vector that specifies the starting time of
piecewise Poisson enrollment time intervals. Must start with 0, e.g.,
accrualIntensity |
A vector of accrual intensities. One for each accrual time interval. |
piecewiseSurvivalTime |
A vector that specifies the starting time of
piecewise exponential survival time intervals. Must start with 0, e.g.,
stratumFraction |
A vector of stratum fractions that sum to 1. Defaults to 1 for no stratification. |
lambda1 |
A vector of hazard rates for the event in each analysis time interval by stratum for the active treatment group. |
lambda2 |
A vector of hazard rates for the event in each analysis time interval by stratum for the control group. |
gamma1 |
The hazard rate for exponential dropout, a vector of hazard rates for piecewise exponential dropout applicable for all strata, or a vector of hazard rates for dropout in each analysis time interval by stratum for the active treatment group. |
gamma2 |
The hazard rate for exponential dropout, a vector of hazard rates for piecewise exponential dropout applicable for all strata, or a vector of hazard rates for dropout in each analysis time interval by stratum for the control group. |
accrualDuration |
Duration of the enrollment period. |
followupTime |
Follow-up time for the last enrolled subject. |
fixedFollowup |
Whether a fixed follow-up design is used. Defaults to 0 for variable follow-up. |
rho1 |
The first parameter of the Fleming-Harrington family of weighted log-rank test. Defaults to 0 for conventional log-rank test. |
rho2 |
The second parameter of the Fleming-Harrington family of weighted log-rank test. Defaults to 0 for conventional log-rank test. |
plannedEvents |
The planned cumulative total number of events at each stage. |
plannedTime |
The calendar times for the analyses. To use calendar
time to plan the analyses, |
maxNumberOfIterations |
The number of simulation iterations. Defaults to 1000. |
maxNumberOfRawDatasetsPerStage |
The number of raw datasets per stage to extract. |
seed |
The seed to reproduce the simulation results. The seed from the environment will be used if left unspecified. |
An S3 class lrsim
object with 3 components:
: A list containing the following information:
: The efficacy stopping probability by stage.
: The futility stopping probability by
: Cumulative efficacy stopping
probability by stage.
: The cumulative futility stopping
probability by stage.
: The average number of events by stage.
: The average number of dropouts by stage.
: The average number of subjects by stage.
: The average analysis time by stage.
: The overall rejection probability.
: The expected number of events for
the overall study.
: The expected number of dropouts
for the overall study.
: The expected number of subjects
for the overall study.
: The expected study duration.
: Hazard ratio under the null hypothesis for
the active treatment versus control.
: whether the analyses are planned
based on the number of events or calendar time.
: Duration of the enrollment period.
: Whether a fixed follow-up design is used.
: The first parameter of the Fleming-Harrington family
of weighted log-rank test. Defaults to 0 for conventional log-rank
: The second parameter of the Fleming-Harrington family
of weighted log-rank test. Defaults to 0 for conventional log-rank
: The maximum number of stages.
: A data frame of summary data by iteration and stage:
: The iteration number.
: The stage at which the trial stops.
: Whether the target number of events
is not achieved for the iteration.
: The stage number, covering all stages even if
the trial stops at an interim look.
: The time for the stage since trial start.
: The number of subjects enrolled at the stage for
the treatment group.
: The number of subjects enrolled at the stage for
the control group.
: The total number of subjects enrolled at
the stage.
: The number of events at the stage for
the treatment group.
: The number of events at the stage for
the control group.
: The total number of events at the stage.
: The number of dropouts at the stage for
the treatment group.
: The number of dropouts at the stage for
the control group.
: The total number of dropouts at the stage.
: The numerator of the log-rank test statistic.
: The variance of the log-rank test statistic.
: The log-rank test Z-statistic.
: Whether to reject the null hypothesis
at the stage.
: Whether to stop the trial for futility
at the stage.
(exists if maxNumberOfRawDatasetsPerStage
is a
positive integer): A data frame for subject-level data for selected
replications, containing the following variables:
: The iteration number.
: The stage at which the trial stops.
: The time for the stage since trial start.
: The subject ID.
: The enrollment time for the subject.
: The stratum for the subject.
: The treatment group (1 or 2) for the
: The underlying survival time for the subject.
: The underlying dropout time for the subject.
: The time under observation
since randomization.
: Whether the subject experienced the event.
: Whether the subject dropped out.
Kaifeng Lu, [email protected]
# Example 1: analyses based on number of events sim1 = lrsim(kMax = 2, informationRates = c(0.5, 1), criticalValues = c(2.797, 1.977), accrualIntensity = 11, lambda1 = 0.018, lambda2 = 0.030, accrualDuration = 12, plannedEvents = c(60, 120), maxNumberOfIterations = 1000, maxNumberOfRawDatasetsPerStage = 1, seed = 314159) # summary statistics sim1 # summary for each simulated data set head(sim1$sumdata) # raw data for selected replication head(sim1$rawdata) # Example 2: analyses based on calendar time have similar power sim2 = lrsim(kMax = 2, informationRates = c(0.5, 1), criticalValues = c(2.797, 1.977), accrualIntensity = 11, lambda1 = 0.018, lambda2 = 0.030, accrualDuration = 12, plannedTime = c(31.9, 113.2), maxNumberOfIterations = 1000, maxNumberOfRawDatasetsPerStage = 1, seed = 314159) # summary statistics sim2 # summary for each simulated data set head(sim2$sumdata)
# Example 1: analyses based on number of events sim1 = lrsim(kMax = 2, informationRates = c(0.5, 1), criticalValues = c(2.797, 1.977), accrualIntensity = 11, lambda1 = 0.018, lambda2 = 0.030, accrualDuration = 12, plannedEvents = c(60, 120), maxNumberOfIterations = 1000, maxNumberOfRawDatasetsPerStage = 1, seed = 314159) # summary statistics sim1 # summary for each simulated data set head(sim1$sumdata) # raw data for selected replication head(sim1$rawdata) # Example 2: analyses based on calendar time have similar power sim2 = lrsim(kMax = 2, informationRates = c(0.5, 1), criticalValues = c(2.797, 1.977), accrualIntensity = 11, lambda1 = 0.018, lambda2 = 0.030, accrualDuration = 12, plannedTime = c(31.9, 113.2), maxNumberOfIterations = 1000, maxNumberOfRawDatasetsPerStage = 1, seed = 314159) # summary statistics sim2 # summary for each simulated data set head(sim2$sumdata)
Performs simulation for two-endpoint two-arm group
sequential trials based on weighted log-rank test. The first
looks are driven by the total number of PFS events in
two arms combined, and the subsequent looks are driven by the total
number of OS events in two arms combined. Alternatively,
the analyses can be planned to occur at specified calendar times.
lrsim2e( kMax = NA_integer_, kMaxe1 = NA_integer_, hazardRatioH0e1 = 1, hazardRatioH0e2 = 1, allocation1 = 1L, allocation2 = 1L, accrualTime = 0L, accrualIntensity = NA_real_, piecewiseSurvivalTime = 0L, stratumFraction = 1L, rho = 0, lambda1e1 = NA_real_, lambda2e1 = NA_real_, lambda1e2 = NA_real_, lambda2e2 = NA_real_, gamma1e1 = 0L, gamma2e1 = 0L, gamma1e2 = 0L, gamma2e2 = 0L, accrualDuration = NA_real_, followupTime = NA_real_, fixedFollowup = 0L, rho1 = 0, rho2 = 0, plannedEvents = NA_integer_, plannedTime = NA_real_, maxNumberOfIterations = 1000L, maxNumberOfRawDatasetsPerStage = 0L, seed = NA_integer_ )
lrsim2e( kMax = NA_integer_, kMaxe1 = NA_integer_, hazardRatioH0e1 = 1, hazardRatioH0e2 = 1, allocation1 = 1L, allocation2 = 1L, accrualTime = 0L, accrualIntensity = NA_real_, piecewiseSurvivalTime = 0L, stratumFraction = 1L, rho = 0, lambda1e1 = NA_real_, lambda2e1 = NA_real_, lambda1e2 = NA_real_, lambda2e2 = NA_real_, gamma1e1 = 0L, gamma2e1 = 0L, gamma1e2 = 0L, gamma2e2 = 0L, accrualDuration = NA_real_, followupTime = NA_real_, fixedFollowup = 0L, rho1 = 0, rho2 = 0, plannedEvents = NA_integer_, plannedTime = NA_real_, maxNumberOfIterations = 1000L, maxNumberOfRawDatasetsPerStage = 0L, seed = NA_integer_ )
kMax |
The maximum number of stages. |
kMaxe1 |
Number of stages with timing determined by PFS events.
Ranges from 0 (none) to |
hazardRatioH0e1 |
Hazard ratio under the null hypothesis for the active treatment vs control for endpoint 1 (PFS). Defaults to 1 for superiority test. |
hazardRatioH0e2 |
Hazard ratio under the null hypothesis for the active treatment vs control for endpoint 2 (OS). Defaults to 1 for superiority test. |
allocation1 |
Number of subjects in the treatment group in a randomization block. Defaults to 1 for equal randomization. |
allocation2 |
Number of subjects in the control group in a randomization block. Defaults to 1 for equal randomization. |
accrualTime |
A vector that specifies the starting time of
piecewise Poisson enrollment time intervals. Must start with 0, e.g.,
accrualIntensity |
A vector of accrual intensities. One for each accrual time interval. |
piecewiseSurvivalTime |
A vector that specifies the starting time of
piecewise exponential survival time intervals. Must start with 0, e.g.,
stratumFraction |
A vector of stratum fractions that sum to 1. Defaults to 1 for no stratification. |
rho |
The correlation coefficient for the standard bivariate normal random variables used to generate time to disease progression and time to death using the inverse CDF method. |
lambda1e1 |
A vector of hazard rates for the event in each analysis time interval by stratum for the treatment group and endpoint 1 (PFS). |
lambda2e1 |
A vector of hazard rates for the event in each analysis time interval by stratum for the control group and endpoint 1 (PFS). |
lambda1e2 |
A vector of hazard rates for the event in each analysis time interval by stratum for the treatment group and endpoint 2 (OS). |
lambda2e2 |
A vector of hazard rates for the event in each analysis time interval by stratum for the control group and endpoint 2 (OS). |
gamma1e1 |
The hazard rate for exponential dropout, a vector of hazard rates for piecewise exponential dropout applicable for all strata, or a vector of hazard rates for dropout in each analysis time interval by stratum for the treatment group and endpoint 1 (PFS). |
gamma2e1 |
The hazard rate for exponential dropout, a vector of hazard rates for piecewise exponential dropout applicable for all strata, or a vector of hazard rates for dropout in each analysis time interval by stratum for the control group and endpoint 1 (PFS). |
gamma1e2 |
The hazard rate for exponential dropout, a vector of hazard rates for piecewise exponential dropout applicable for all strata, or a vector of hazard rates for dropout in each analysis time interval by stratum for the treatment group and endpoint 2 (OS). |
gamma2e2 |
The hazard rate for exponential dropout, a vector of hazard rates for piecewise exponential dropout applicable for all strata, or a vector of hazard rates for dropout in each analysis time interval by stratum for the control group and endpoint 2 (OS). |
accrualDuration |
Duration of the enrollment period. |
followupTime |
Follow-up time for the last enrolled subject. |
fixedFollowup |
Whether a fixed follow-up design is used. Defaults to 0 for variable follow-up. |
rho1 |
The first parameter of the Fleming-Harrington family of weighted log-rank test. Defaults to 0 for conventional log-rank test. |
rho2 |
The second parameter of the Fleming-Harrington family of weighted log-rank test. Defaults to 0 for conventional log-rank test. |
plannedEvents |
The planned cumulative total number of PFS events at
Look 1 to Look |
plannedTime |
The calendar times for the analyses. To use calendar
time to plan the analyses, |
maxNumberOfIterations |
The number of simulation iterations. Defaults to 1000. |
maxNumberOfRawDatasetsPerStage |
The number of raw datasets per stage to extract. |
seed |
The seed to reproduce the simulation results. The seed from the environment will be used if left unspecified. |
A list with 2 components:
: A data frame of summary data by iteration and stage:
: The iteration number.
: Whether the target number of events
is not achieved for the iteration.
: The stage number, covering all stages even if
the trial stops at an interim look.
: The time for the stage since trial start.
: The number of subjects enrolled at the stage for
the treatment group.
: The number of subjects enrolled at the stage for
the control group.
: The total number of subjects enrolled at
the stage.
: The endpoint (1 or 2) under consideration.
: The number of events at the stage for
the treatment group.
: The number of events at the stage for
the control group.
: The total number of events at the stage.
: The number of dropouts at the stage for
the treatment group.
: The number of dropouts at the stage for
the control group.
: The total number of dropouts at the stage.
: The log-rank test Z-statistic for
the endpoint.
(exists if maxNumberOfRawDatasetsPerStage
is a
positive integer): A data frame for subject-level data for selected
replications, containing the following variables:
: The iteration number.
: The stage under consideration.
: The time for the stage since trial start.
: The subject ID.
: The enrollment time for the subject.
: The stratum for the subject.
: The treatment group (1 or 2) for the
: The underlying survival time for
event endpoint 1 for the subject.
: The underlying dropout time for
event endpoint 1 for the subject.
: The time under observation
since randomization for event endpoint 1 for the subject.
: Whether the subject experienced event endpoint 1.
: Whether the subject dropped out for
endpoint 1.
: The underlying survival time for
event endpoint 2 for the subject.
: The underlying dropout time for
event endpoint 2 for the subject.
: The time under observation
since randomization for event endpoint 2 for the subject.
: Whether the subject experienced event endpoint 2.
: Whether the subject dropped out for
endpoint 2.
Kaifeng Lu, [email protected]
sim1 = lrsim2e( kMax = 3, kMaxe1 = 2, allocation1 = 2, allocation2 = 1, accrualTime = c(0, 8), accrualIntensity = c(10, 28), piecewiseSurvivalTime = 0, rho = 0, lambda1e1 = log(2)/12*0.60, lambda2e1 = log(2)/12, lambda1e2 = log(2)/30*0.65, lambda2e2 = log(2)/30, accrualDuration = 20.143, plannedEvents = c(186, 259, 183), maxNumberOfIterations = 1000, maxNumberOfRawDatasetsPerStage = 1, seed = 314159) head(sim1$sumdata) head(sim1$rawdata)
sim1 = lrsim2e( kMax = 3, kMaxe1 = 2, allocation1 = 2, allocation2 = 1, accrualTime = c(0, 8), accrualIntensity = c(10, 28), piecewiseSurvivalTime = 0, rho = 0, lambda1e1 = log(2)/12*0.60, lambda2e1 = log(2)/12, lambda1e2 = log(2)/30*0.65, lambda2e2 = log(2)/30, accrualDuration = 20.143, plannedEvents = c(186, 259, 183), maxNumberOfIterations = 1000, maxNumberOfRawDatasetsPerStage = 1, seed = 314159) head(sim1$sumdata) head(sim1$rawdata)
Performs simulation for two-endpoint three-arm group
sequential trials based on weighted log-rank test. The first
looks are driven by the total number of PFS events in Arm A
and Arm C combined, and the subsequent looks are driven by the total
number of OS events in Arm A and Arm C combined. Alternatively,
the analyses can be planned to occur at specified calendar times.
lrsim2e3a( kMax = NA_integer_, kMaxe1 = NA_integer_, hazardRatioH013e1 = 1, hazardRatioH023e1 = 1, hazardRatioH012e1 = 1, hazardRatioH013e2 = 1, hazardRatioH023e2 = 1, hazardRatioH012e2 = 1, allocation1 = 1L, allocation2 = 1L, allocation3 = 1L, accrualTime = 0L, accrualIntensity = NA_real_, piecewiseSurvivalTime = 0L, stratumFraction = 1L, rho = 0, lambda1e1 = NA_real_, lambda2e1 = NA_real_, lambda3e1 = NA_real_, lambda1e2 = NA_real_, lambda2e2 = NA_real_, lambda3e2 = NA_real_, gamma1e1 = 0L, gamma2e1 = 0L, gamma3e1 = 0L, gamma1e2 = 0L, gamma2e2 = 0L, gamma3e2 = 0L, accrualDuration = NA_real_, followupTime = NA_real_, fixedFollowup = 0L, rho1 = 0, rho2 = 0, plannedEvents = NA_integer_, plannedTime = NA_real_, maxNumberOfIterations = 1000L, maxNumberOfRawDatasetsPerStage = 0L, seed = NA_integer_ )
lrsim2e3a( kMax = NA_integer_, kMaxe1 = NA_integer_, hazardRatioH013e1 = 1, hazardRatioH023e1 = 1, hazardRatioH012e1 = 1, hazardRatioH013e2 = 1, hazardRatioH023e2 = 1, hazardRatioH012e2 = 1, allocation1 = 1L, allocation2 = 1L, allocation3 = 1L, accrualTime = 0L, accrualIntensity = NA_real_, piecewiseSurvivalTime = 0L, stratumFraction = 1L, rho = 0, lambda1e1 = NA_real_, lambda2e1 = NA_real_, lambda3e1 = NA_real_, lambda1e2 = NA_real_, lambda2e2 = NA_real_, lambda3e2 = NA_real_, gamma1e1 = 0L, gamma2e1 = 0L, gamma3e1 = 0L, gamma1e2 = 0L, gamma2e2 = 0L, gamma3e2 = 0L, accrualDuration = NA_real_, followupTime = NA_real_, fixedFollowup = 0L, rho1 = 0, rho2 = 0, plannedEvents = NA_integer_, plannedTime = NA_real_, maxNumberOfIterations = 1000L, maxNumberOfRawDatasetsPerStage = 0L, seed = NA_integer_ )
kMax |
The maximum number of stages. |
kMaxe1 |
Number of stages with timing determined by PFS events.
Ranges from 0 (none) to |
hazardRatioH013e1 |
Hazard ratio under the null hypothesis for arm 1 vs arm 3 for endpoint 1 (PFS). Defaults to 1 for superiority test. |
hazardRatioH023e1 |
Hazard ratio under the null hypothesis for arm 2 vs arm 3 for endpoint 1 (PFS). Defaults to 1 for superiority test. |
hazardRatioH012e1 |
Hazard ratio under the null hypothesis for arm 1 vs arm 2 for endpoint 1 (PFS). Defaults to 1 for superiority test. |
hazardRatioH013e2 |
Hazard ratio under the null hypothesis for arm 1 vs arm 3 for endpoint 2 (OS). Defaults to 1 for superiority test. |
hazardRatioH023e2 |
Hazard ratio under the null hypothesis for arm 2 vs arm 3 for endpoint 2 (OS). Defaults to 1 for superiority test. |
hazardRatioH012e2 |
Hazard ratio under the null hypothesis for arm 1 vs arm 2 for endpoint 2 (OS). Defaults to 1 for superiority test. |
allocation1 |
Number of subjects in Arm A in a randomization block. Defaults to 1 for equal randomization. |
allocation2 |
Number of subjects in Arm B in a randomization block. Defaults to 1 for equal randomization. |
allocation3 |
Number of subjects in Arm C in a randomization block. Defaults to 1 for equal randomization. |
accrualTime |
A vector that specifies the starting time of
piecewise Poisson enrollment time intervals. Must start with 0, e.g.,
accrualIntensity |
A vector of accrual intensities. One for each accrual time interval. |
piecewiseSurvivalTime |
A vector that specifies the starting time of
piecewise exponential survival time intervals. Must start with 0, e.g.,
stratumFraction |
A vector of stratum fractions that sum to 1. Defaults to 1 for no stratification. |
rho |
The correlation coefficient for the standard bivariate normal random variables used to generate time to disease progression and time to death using the inverse CDF method. |
lambda1e1 |
A vector of hazard rates for the event in each analysis time interval by stratum for arm 1 and endpoint 1 (PFS). |
lambda2e1 |
A vector of hazard rates for the event in each analysis time interval by stratum for arm 2 and endpoint 1 (PFS). |
lambda3e1 |
A vector of hazard rates for the event in each analysis time interval by stratum for arm 3 and endpoint 1 (PFS). |
lambda1e2 |
A vector of hazard rates for the event in each analysis time interval by stratum for arm 1 and endpoint 2 (OS). |
lambda2e2 |
A vector of hazard rates for the event in each analysis time interval by stratum for arm 2 and endpoint 2 (OS). |
lambda3e2 |
A vector of hazard rates for the event in each analysis time interval by stratum for arm 3 and endpoint 2 (OS). |
gamma1e1 |
The hazard rate for exponential dropout. A vector of hazard rates for piecewise exponential dropout applicable for all strata, or a vector of hazard rates for dropout in each analysis time interval by stratum for arm 1 and endpoint 1 (PFS). |
gamma2e1 |
The hazard rate for exponential dropout. A vector of hazard rates for piecewise exponential dropout applicable for all strata, or a vector of hazard rates for dropout in each analysis time interval by stratum for arm 2 and endpoint 1 (PFS). |
gamma3e1 |
The hazard rate for exponential dropout. A vector of hazard rates for piecewise exponential dropout applicable for all strata, or a vector of hazard rates for dropout in each analysis time interval by stratum for arm 3 and endpoint 1 (PFS). |
gamma1e2 |
The hazard rate for exponential dropout. A vector of hazard rates for piecewise exponential dropout applicable for all strata, or a vector of hazard rates for dropout in each analysis time interval by stratum for arm 1 and endpoint 2 (OS). |
gamma2e2 |
The hazard rate for exponential dropout. A vector of hazard rates for piecewise exponential dropout applicable for all strata, or a vector of hazard rates for dropout in each analysis time interval by stratum for arm 2 and endpoint 2 (OS). |
gamma3e2 |
The hazard rate for exponential dropout. A vector of hazard rates for piecewise exponential dropout applicable for all strata, or a vector of hazard rates for dropout in each analysis time interval by stratum for arm 3 and endpoint 2 (OS). |
accrualDuration |
Duration of the enrollment period. |
followupTime |
Follow-up time for the last enrolled subject. |
fixedFollowup |
Whether a fixed follow-up design is used. Defaults to 0 for variable follow-up. |
rho1 |
The first parameter of the Fleming-Harrington family of weighted log-rank test. Defaults to 0 for conventional log-rank test. |
rho2 |
The second parameter of the Fleming-Harrington family of weighted log-rank test. Defaults to 0 for conventional log-rank test. |
plannedEvents |
The planned cumulative total number of PFS events at
Look 1 to Look |
plannedTime |
The calendar times for the analyses. To use calendar
time to plan the analyses, |
maxNumberOfIterations |
The number of simulation iterations. Defaults to 1000. |
maxNumberOfRawDatasetsPerStage |
The number of raw datasets per stage to extract. |
seed |
The seed to reproduce the simulation results. The seed from the environment will be used if left unspecified. |
A list with 2 components:
: A data frame of summary data by iteration and stage:
: The iteration number.
: Whether the target number of events
is not achieved for the iteration.
: The stage number, covering all stages even if
the trial stops at an interim look.
: The time for the stage since trial start.
: The number of subjects enrolled at the stage for
the active treatment 1 group.
: The number of subjects enrolled at the stage for
the active treatment 2 group.
: The number of subjects enrolled at the stage for
the control group.
: The total number of subjects enrolled at
the stage.
: The endpoint (1 or 2) under consideration.
: The number of events at the stage for
the active treatment 1 group.
: The number of events at the stage for
the active treatment 2 group.
: The number of events at the stage for
the control group.
: The total number of events at the stage.
: The number of dropouts at the stage for
the active treatment 1 group.
: The number of dropouts at the stage for
the active treatment 2 group.
: The number of dropouts at the stage for
the control group.
: The total number of dropouts at the stage.
: The log-rank test Z-statistic
comparing the active treatment 1 to the control for the endpoint.
: The log-rank test Z-statistic
comparing the active treatment 2 to the control for the endpoint.
: The log-rank test Z-statistic
comparing the active treatment 1 to the active treatment 2
for the endpoint.
(exists if maxNumberOfRawDatasetsPerStage
is a
positive integer): A data frame for subject-level data for selected
replications, containing the following variables:
: The iteration number.
: The stage under consideration.
: The time for the stage since trial start.
: The subject ID.
: The enrollment time for the subject.
: The stratum for the subject.
: The treatment group (1, 2, or 3) for
the subject.
: The underlying survival time for
event endpoint 1 for the subject.
: The underlying dropout time for
event endpoint 1 for the subject.
: The time under observation
since randomization for event endpoint 1 for the subject.
: Whether the subject experienced event endpoint 1.
: Whether the subject dropped out for
endpoint 1.
: The underlying survival time for
event endpoint 2 for the subject.
: The underlying dropout time for
event endpoint 2 for the subject.
: The time under observation
since randomization for event endpoint 2 for the subject.
: Whether the subject experienced event endpoint 2.
: Whether the subject dropped out for
endpoint 2.
Kaifeng Lu, [email protected]
sim1 = lrsim2e3a( kMax = 3, kMaxe1 = 2, allocation1 = 2, allocation2 = 2, allocation3 = 1, accrualTime = c(0, 8), accrualIntensity = c(10, 28), piecewiseSurvivalTime = 0, rho = 0, lambda1e1 = log(2)/12*0.60, lambda2e1 = log(2)/12*0.70, lambda3e1 = log(2)/12, lambda1e2 = log(2)/30*0.65, lambda2e2 = log(2)/30*0.75, lambda3e2 = log(2)/30, accrualDuration = 30.143, plannedEvents = c(186, 259, 183), maxNumberOfIterations = 500, maxNumberOfRawDatasetsPerStage = 1, seed = 314159) head(sim1$sumdata) head(sim1$rawdata)
sim1 = lrsim2e3a( kMax = 3, kMaxe1 = 2, allocation1 = 2, allocation2 = 2, allocation3 = 1, accrualTime = c(0, 8), accrualIntensity = c(10, 28), piecewiseSurvivalTime = 0, rho = 0, lambda1e1 = log(2)/12*0.60, lambda2e1 = log(2)/12*0.70, lambda3e1 = log(2)/12, lambda1e2 = log(2)/30*0.65, lambda2e2 = log(2)/30*0.75, lambda3e2 = log(2)/30, accrualDuration = 30.143, plannedEvents = c(186, 259, 183), maxNumberOfIterations = 500, maxNumberOfRawDatasetsPerStage = 1, seed = 314159) head(sim1$sumdata) head(sim1$rawdata)
Performs simulation for three-arm group sequential trials based on weighted log-rank test. The looks are driven by the total number of events in Arm A and Arm C combined. Alternatively, the analyses can be planned to occur at specified calendar times.
lrsim3a( kMax = NA_integer_, hazardRatioH013 = 1, hazardRatioH023 = 1, hazardRatioH012 = 1, allocation1 = 1L, allocation2 = 1L, allocation3 = 1L, accrualTime = 0L, accrualIntensity = NA_real_, piecewiseSurvivalTime = 0L, stratumFraction = 1L, lambda1 = NA_real_, lambda2 = NA_real_, lambda3 = NA_real_, gamma1 = 0L, gamma2 = 0L, gamma3 = 0L, accrualDuration = NA_real_, followupTime = NA_real_, fixedFollowup = 0L, rho1 = 0, rho2 = 0, plannedEvents = NA_integer_, plannedTime = NA_real_, maxNumberOfIterations = 1000L, maxNumberOfRawDatasetsPerStage = 0L, seed = NA_integer_ )
lrsim3a( kMax = NA_integer_, hazardRatioH013 = 1, hazardRatioH023 = 1, hazardRatioH012 = 1, allocation1 = 1L, allocation2 = 1L, allocation3 = 1L, accrualTime = 0L, accrualIntensity = NA_real_, piecewiseSurvivalTime = 0L, stratumFraction = 1L, lambda1 = NA_real_, lambda2 = NA_real_, lambda3 = NA_real_, gamma1 = 0L, gamma2 = 0L, gamma3 = 0L, accrualDuration = NA_real_, followupTime = NA_real_, fixedFollowup = 0L, rho1 = 0, rho2 = 0, plannedEvents = NA_integer_, plannedTime = NA_real_, maxNumberOfIterations = 1000L, maxNumberOfRawDatasetsPerStage = 0L, seed = NA_integer_ )
kMax |
The maximum number of stages. |
hazardRatioH013 |
Hazard ratio under the null hypothesis for arm 1 versus arm 3. Defaults to 1 for superiority test. |
hazardRatioH023 |
Hazard ratio under the null hypothesis for arm 2 versus arm 3. Defaults to 1 for superiority test. |
hazardRatioH012 |
Hazard ratio under the null hypothesis for arm 1 versus arm 2. Defaults to 1 for superiority test. |
allocation1 |
Number of subjects in Arm A in a randomization block. Defaults to 1 for equal randomization. |
allocation2 |
Number of subjects in Arm B in a randomization block. Defaults to 1 for equal randomization. |
allocation3 |
Number of subjects in Arm C in a randomization block. Defaults to 1 for equal randomization. |
accrualTime |
A vector that specifies the starting time of
piecewise Poisson enrollment time intervals. Must start with 0, e.g.,
accrualIntensity |
A vector of accrual intensities. One for each accrual time interval. |
piecewiseSurvivalTime |
A vector that specifies the starting time of
piecewise exponential survival time intervals. Must start with 0, e.g.,
stratumFraction |
A vector of stratum fractions that sum to 1. Defaults to 1 for no stratification. |
lambda1 |
A vector of hazard rates for the event in each analysis time interval by stratum for arm 1. |
lambda2 |
A vector of hazard rates for the event in each analysis time interval by stratum for arm 2. |
lambda3 |
A vector of hazard rates for the event in each analysis time interval by stratum for arm 3. |
gamma1 |
The hazard rate for exponential dropout. A vector of hazard rates for piecewise exponential dropout applicable for all strata, or a vector of hazard rates for dropout in each analysis time interval by stratum for arm 1. |
gamma2 |
The hazard rate for exponential dropout. A vector of hazard rates for piecewise exponential dropout applicable for all strata, or a vector of hazard rates for dropout in each analysis time interval by stratum for arm 2. |
gamma3 |
The hazard rate for exponential dropout. A vector of hazard rates for piecewise exponential dropout applicable for all strata, or a vector of hazard rates for dropout in each analysis time interval by stratum for arm 3. |
accrualDuration |
Duration of the enrollment period. |
followupTime |
Follow-up time for the last enrolled subject. |
fixedFollowup |
Whether a fixed follow-up design is used. Defaults to 0 for variable follow-up. |
rho1 |
The first parameter of the Fleming-Harrington family of weighted log-rank test. Defaults to 0 for conventional log-rank test. |
rho2 |
The second parameter of the Fleming-Harrington family of weighted log-rank test. Defaults to 0 for conventional log-rank test. |
plannedEvents |
The planned cumulative total number of events at
Look 1 to Look |
plannedTime |
The calendar times for the analyses. To use calendar
time to plan the analyses, |
maxNumberOfIterations |
The number of simulation iterations. Defaults to 1000. |
maxNumberOfRawDatasetsPerStage |
The number of raw datasets per stage to extract. |
seed |
The seed to reproduce the simulation results. The seed from the environment will be used if left unspecified. |
A list with 2 components:
: A data frame of summary data by iteration and stage:
: The iteration number.
: Whether the target number of events
is not achieved for the iteration.
: The stage number, covering all stages even if
the trial stops at an interim look.
: The time for the stage since trial start.
: The number of subjects enrolled at the stage for
the active treatment 1 group.
: The number of subjects enrolled at the stage for
the active treatment 2 group.
: The number of subjects enrolled at the stage for
the control group.
: The total number of subjects enrolled at
the stage.
: The number of events at the stage for
the active treatment 1 group.
: The number of events at the stage for
the active treatment 2 group.
: The number of events at the stage for
the control group.
: The total number of events at the stage.
: The number of dropouts at the stage for
the active treatment 1 group.
: The number of dropouts at the stage for
the active treatment 2 group.
: The number of dropouts at the stage for
the control group.
: The total number of dropouts at the stage.
: The log-rank test Z-statistic
comparing the active treatment 1 to the control.
: The log-rank test Z-statistic
comparing the active treatment 2 to the control.
: The log-rank test Z-statistic
comparing the active treatment 1 to the active treatment 2.
(exists if maxNumberOfRawDatasetsPerStage
is a
positive integer): A data frame for subject-level data for selected
replications, containing the following variables:
: The iteration number.
: The stage under consideration.
: The time for the stage since trial start.
: The subject ID.
: The enrollment time for the subject.
: The stratum for the subject.
: The treatment group (1, 2, or 3) for
the subject.
: The underlying survival time for the subject.
: The underlying dropout time for the subject.
: The time under observation
since randomization for the subject.
: Whether the subject experienced the event.
: Whether the subject dropped out.
Kaifeng Lu, [email protected]
sim1 = lrsim3a( kMax = 3, allocation1 = 2, allocation2 = 2, allocation3 = 1, accrualTime = c(0, 8), accrualIntensity = c(10, 28), piecewiseSurvivalTime = 0, lambda1 = log(2)/12*0.60, lambda2 = log(2)/12*0.70, lambda3 = log(2)/12, accrualDuration = 30.143, plannedEvents = c(186, 259, 295), maxNumberOfIterations = 1000, maxNumberOfRawDatasetsPerStage = 1, seed = 314159) head(sim1$sumdata) head(sim1$rawdata)
sim1 = lrsim3a( kMax = 3, allocation1 = 2, allocation2 = 2, allocation3 = 1, accrualTime = c(0, 8), accrualIntensity = c(10, 28), piecewiseSurvivalTime = 0, lambda1 = log(2)/12*0.60, lambda2 = log(2)/12*0.70, lambda3 = log(2)/12, accrualDuration = 30.143, plannedEvents = c(186, 259, 295), maxNumberOfIterations = 1000, maxNumberOfRawDatasetsPerStage = 1, seed = 314159) head(sim1$sumdata) head(sim1$rawdata)
Obtains the number of subjects accrued, number of events, number of dropouts, and number of subjects reaching the maximum follow-up in each group, mean and variance of weighted log-rank score statistic, estimated hazard ratio from weighted Cox regression and variance of log hazard ratio estimate at given calendar times.
lrstat( time = NA_real_, hazardRatioH0 = 1, allocationRatioPlanned = 1, accrualTime = 0L, accrualIntensity = NA_real_, piecewiseSurvivalTime = 0L, stratumFraction = 1L, lambda1 = NA_real_, lambda2 = NA_real_, gamma1 = 0L, gamma2 = 0L, accrualDuration = NA_real_, followupTime = NA_real_, fixedFollowup = 0L, rho1 = 0, rho2 = 0, predictTarget = 2L )
lrstat( time = NA_real_, hazardRatioH0 = 1, allocationRatioPlanned = 1, accrualTime = 0L, accrualIntensity = NA_real_, piecewiseSurvivalTime = 0L, stratumFraction = 1L, lambda1 = NA_real_, lambda2 = NA_real_, gamma1 = 0L, gamma2 = 0L, accrualDuration = NA_real_, followupTime = NA_real_, fixedFollowup = 0L, rho1 = 0, rho2 = 0, predictTarget = 2L )
time |
A vector of calendar times at which to calculate the number of events and the mean and variance of log-rank test score statistic. |
hazardRatioH0 |
Hazard ratio under the null hypothesis for the active treatment versus control. Defaults to 1 for superiority test. |
allocationRatioPlanned |
Allocation ratio for the active treatment versus control. Defaults to 1 for equal randomization. |
accrualTime |
A vector that specifies the starting time of
piecewise Poisson enrollment time intervals. Must start with 0, e.g.,
accrualIntensity |
A vector of accrual intensities. One for each accrual time interval. |
piecewiseSurvivalTime |
A vector that specifies the starting time of
piecewise exponential survival time intervals. Must start with 0, e.g.,
stratumFraction |
A vector of stratum fractions that sum to 1. Defaults to 1 for no stratification. |
lambda1 |
A vector of hazard rates for the event in each analysis time interval by stratum for the active treatment group. |
lambda2 |
A vector of hazard rates for the event in each analysis time interval by stratum for the control group. |
gamma1 |
The hazard rate for exponential dropout, a vector of hazard rates for piecewise exponential dropout applicable for all strata, or a vector of hazard rates for dropout in each analysis time interval by stratum for the active treatment group. |
gamma2 |
The hazard rate for exponential dropout, a vector of hazard rates for piecewise exponential dropout applicable for all strata, or a vector of hazard rates for dropout in each analysis time interval by stratum for the control group. |
accrualDuration |
Duration of the enrollment period. |
followupTime |
Follow-up time for the last enrolled subject. |
fixedFollowup |
Whether a fixed follow-up design is used. Defaults to 0 for variable follow-up. |
rho1 |
The first parameter of the Fleming-Harrington family of weighted log-rank test. Defaults to 0 for conventional log-rank test. |
rho2 |
The second parameter of the Fleming-Harrington family of weighted log-rank test. Defaults to 0 for conventional log-rank test. |
predictTarget |
The target of prediction.
Set |
A data frame containing the following variables if
predictTarget = 1
: The analysis time since trial start.
: The number of enrolled subjects.
: The total number of events.
: The number of events in the active treatment group.
: The number of events in the control group.
: The total number of dropouts.
: The number of dropouts in the active treatment
: The number of dropouts in the control group.
: The total number of subjects reaching maximum follow-up.
: The number of subjects reaching maximum follow-up in
the active treatment group.
: The number of subjects reaching maximum follow-up in
the control group.
If predictTarget = 2
, the following variables will also
be included:
: The numerator of the log-rank test statistic.
: The variance of the log-rank score test statistic.
: The log-rank test statistic on the Z-scale.
: The hazard ratio under the null hypothesis.
Furthermore, if predictTarget = 3
, the following additional
variables will also be included:
: The average hazard ratio from weighted Cox regression.
: The variance of log hazard ratio.
: The Z-statistic for log hazard ratio.
Kaifeng Lu, [email protected]
# Piecewise accrual, piecewise exponential survivals, and 5% dropout by # the end of 1 year. lrstat(time = c(22, 40), allocationRatioPlanned = 1, accrualTime = seq(0, 8), accrualIntensity = 26/9*seq(1, 9), piecewiseSurvivalTime = c(0, 6), lambda1 = c(0.0533, 0.0309), lambda2 = c(0.0533, 0.0533), gamma1 = -log(1-0.05)/12, gamma2 = -log(1-0.05)/12, accrualDuration = 22, followupTime = 18, fixedFollowup = FALSE)
# Piecewise accrual, piecewise exponential survivals, and 5% dropout by # the end of 1 year. lrstat(time = c(22, 40), allocationRatioPlanned = 1, accrualTime = seq(0, 8), accrualIntensity = 26/9*seq(1, 9), piecewiseSurvivalTime = c(0, 6), lambda1 = c(0.0533, 0.0309), lambda2 = c(0.0533, 0.0533), gamma1 = -log(1-0.05)/12, gamma2 = -log(1-0.05)/12, accrualDuration = 22, followupTime = 18, fixedFollowup = FALSE)
Obtains the quantile of a truncated piecewise exponential distribution.
qtpwexp( p, piecewiseSurvivalTime = 0, lambda = 0.0578, lowerBound = 0, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE )
qtpwexp( p, piecewiseSurvivalTime = 0, lambda = 0.0578, lowerBound = 0, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE )
p |
The vector of probabilities. |
piecewiseSurvivalTime |
A vector that specifies the starting time of
piecewise exponential survival time intervals. Must start with 0, e.g.,
lambda |
A vector of hazard rates for the event. One for each analysis time interval. |
lowerBound |
The left truncation time point for the survival time. Defaults to 0 for no truncation. |
lower.tail |
Logical; if TRUE (default), probabilities are P(X <= x), otherwise, P(X > x). |
log.p |
Logical; if TRUE, probabilities p are given as log(p). |
The quantile q such that P(X > q | X > lowerBound) = 1 - p.
Kaifeng Lu, [email protected]
qtpwexp(p = c(0.205, 0.317), piecewiseSurvivalTime = c(0, 6, 9, 15), lambda = c(0.025, 0.04, 0.015, 0.007))
qtpwexp(p = c(0.205, 0.317), piecewiseSurvivalTime = c(0, 6, 9, 15), lambda = c(0.025, 0.04, 0.015, 0.007))
Obtains the repeated p-values for a group sequential design.
repeatedPValue( kMax, typeAlphaSpending = "sfOF", parameterAlphaSpending = NA, maxInformation = 1, p, information, spendingTime = NULL )
repeatedPValue( kMax, typeAlphaSpending = "sfOF", parameterAlphaSpending = NA, maxInformation = 1, p, information, spendingTime = NULL )
kMax |
The maximum number of stages. |
typeAlphaSpending |
The type of alpha spending. One of the following: "OF" for O'Brien-Fleming boundaries, "P" for Pocock boundaries, "WT" for Wang & Tsiatis boundaries, "sfOF" for O'Brien-Fleming type spending function, "sfP" for Pocock type spending function, "sfKD" for Kim & DeMets spending function, "sfHSD" for Hwang, Shi & DeCani spending function, "user" for user defined spending, and "none" for no early efficacy stopping. Defaults to "sfOF". |
parameterAlphaSpending |
The parameter value for the alpha spending. Corresponds to Delta for "WT", rho for "sfKD", and gamma for "sfHSD". |
maxInformation |
The target maximum information. Defaults to 1,
in which case, |
p |
The raw p-values at look 1 to look |
information |
The observed information by look. It can be a matrix
with |
spendingTime |
The error spending time at each analysis, must be
increasing and less than or equal to 1. Defaults to |
The repeated p-values at look 1 to look k
Kaifeng Lu, [email protected]
# Example 1: informationRates different from spendingTime repeatedPValue(kMax = 3, typeAlphaSpending = "sfOF", maxInformation = 800, p = c(0.2, 0.15, 0.1), information = c(529, 700, 800), spendingTime = c(0.6271186, 0.8305085, 1)) # Example 2: Maurer & Bretz (2013), current look is not the last look repeatedPValue(kMax = 3, typeAlphaSpending = "sfOF", p = matrix(c(0.0062, 0.017, 0.009, 0.13, 0.0002, 0.0035, 0.002, 0.06), nrow=4, ncol=2), information = c(1/3, 2/3))
# Example 1: informationRates different from spendingTime repeatedPValue(kMax = 3, typeAlphaSpending = "sfOF", maxInformation = 800, p = c(0.2, 0.15, 0.1), information = c(529, 700, 800), spendingTime = c(0.6271186, 0.8305085, 1)) # Example 2: Maurer & Bretz (2013), current look is not the last look repeatedPValue(kMax = 3, typeAlphaSpending = "sfOF", p = matrix(c(0.0062, 0.017, 0.009, 0.13, 0.0002, 0.0035, 0.002, 0.06), nrow=4, ncol=2), information = c(1/3, 2/3))
Updates the weights and transition matrix for graphical approaches.
updateGraph(w, G, I, j)
updateGraph(w, G, I, j)
w |
The current vector of weights for elementary hypotheses. |
G |
The current transition matrix. |
I |
The set of indices for yet to be rejected hypotheses. |
j |
The hypothesis to remove from index set |
A list containing the new vector of weights, the new transition matrix for the graph, and the new set of indices of yet to be rejected hypotheses.
Kaifeng Lu, [email protected]
updateGraph(w = c(0.5, 0.5, 0, 0), G = matrix(c(0, 0.5, 0.5, 0, 0.5, 0, 0, 0.5, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0), nrow=4, ncol=4, byrow=TRUE), I = c(1, 2, 3, 4), j = 1)
updateGraph(w = c(0.5, 0.5, 0, 0), G = matrix(c(0, 0.5, 0.5, 0, 0.5, 0, 0, 0.5, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0), nrow=4, ncol=4, byrow=TRUE), I = c(1, 2, 3, 4), j = 1)