add fix_parameter to predictEnrollment, predictEvent, and getPrediction to allow the parameters to be fixed at the maximum likelihood estimates instead of being drawn from the approximate posterior distributions
update the use of showplot with respect to the use of showEnrollment, showEvent, showDropout, and showOngoing in predictEvent
parameterize the exponential distribution in terms of log(rate)
update the requirement for fitting a piecewise exponential model
update the call to the pwexpreg function
ensure the sub plots align on the x axis
export the sub plots as a list instead of a plotly subplot object
replace round with formatC to retain the zeros after the decimal point
parameterize the exponential distribution in terms of log(rate)
update the requirement for fitting a piecewise exponential model
update the call to the pwexpreg function
ensure the sub plots align on the x axis
export the sub plots as a list instead of a plotly subplot object
replace round with formatC to retain the zeros after the decimal point
add the 'name' parameter to the Plotly traces to ensure proper legends
export the sub plots as a list instead of a plotly subplot object
parameterize the exponential distribution in terms of log(rate)
ensure simulated time >= 1
add the 'name' parameter to the Plotly traces to ensure proper legends
export the sub plots as a list instead of a plotly subplot object
check the input data to ensure all required columns are present
check the input data to ensure none of the required columns have missing values
add treatment_description to the input data when treatment is present but treatment_description is missing
parameterize the exponential distribution in terms of log(rate)
obtain event_fit (event_fit_with_covariates) without regard of the existence of event_prior (event_prior_with_covariates)
obtain dropout_fit (dropout_fit_with covariates) without regard of the existence of dropout_prior (dropout_prior_with_covariates)
update the pwexpreg function so that its parameters are consistent with other piecewise exponential functions
use the Brent method to fit the piecewise exponential regression model with only one interval and no covariates
add event_prediction_at_the_design_stage.Rmd
add event_prediction_before_enrollment_completion.Rmd
add event_prediction_after_enrollment_completion.Rmd
add event_prediction_incorporating_prior_information.Rmd
add event_prediction_incorporating_covariates.Rmd
remove import tmvtnsim rtnorm
add import purrr list_c map map_dbl
add import stats as.formula model.matrix qlnorm rlogis
add pmodavg for the distribution of model averaging of Weibull and log-normal
add ppwexp and qpwexp functions for the piecewise exponential distribution
add llik_pwexp for the log-likelihood of piecewise exponential regression
add pwexpreg for the regression analysis of piecewise exponential distribution
add covariates_event, event_fit_with_covariates, covariates_dropout, dropout_fit_with_covariates
fit the event model with covariates if event_fit_with_covariates is not NULL, and fit the event model without covariates otherwise
fit the dropout model with covariates if dropout_fit_with_covariates is not NULL, and fit the dropout model without covariates otherwise
generate the event time for new patients separately from the event time for ongoing patients
generate the dropout time for new patients separately from the dropout time for ongoing patients
apply ceiling to the derived time after comparison of generated survivalTime and dropoutTime
add covariates_event, event_prior_with_covariates, covariates_dropout, dropout_prior_with_covariates
add penalized log-likelihood (posterior) function with covariates for exponential, Weibull, log-logistic, log-normal, and piecewise exponential distributions
simplify the algorithm for combining prior distributions across treatments
fit event/dropout models with or without covarites depending on the study stage and the presence/absence of covariates_event and covariates_dropout
add subject_data to the output
remove the factor attribute of the treatment_description variable
add pilevel in the output data set for prediction interval level
replace treatment_label with treatment_description in observed data for enrollment prediction
update the upper bound of the cutoff reference line in prediction plot
retain the plots of enroll_fit, event_fit, and dropout_fit in getPrediction output
add usubjid and treatment_description to the internal data sets
round the simulated arrivalTime and time so that the time can be interpreted in days
allow the use of treatment labels for by-treatment prediction
include usubjid in subject-level data sets
use the quantile method for predicted date if all simulated data sets attain the target number of events
add log-logistic event model and log-logistic dropout model
change parameterization of Weibull distribution to be consistent with log-logistic and log-normal distributions in the AFT family
add AIC to enrollment, event and dropout model fits
check the required number of events/dropouts for event/dropout model fits
add "model averaging" and "spline" as additional dropout_model options
update enroll_fit, event_fit, and dropout_fit for prior incorporation
update design stage prediction with one treatment arm
allow ongoing subjects with last known date before data cutoff
update the calculation of ongoing subjects to accommodate ongoing subjects with last known date before data cutoff
update time for new subjects to start with day 1 and update totalTime calculation for newEvents to remove double count of day 1
update predictEnrollment to remove calculation of d0, c0, and r0
add names to event_pred_day
add nyears and nreps to prediction results
add validity checks for input dataset variables
update totalTime calculation for observed data
use method="Nelder-Mead" as the default optimization algorithm for flexsurvspline
add by-treatment prediction
update the description of internal datasets
update summarizeObserved to remove adt from adsl
add Royston and Parmar (2002) spline event model
add mean and variance to prediction output
update the BIC weight for model averaging
add more details for model fit parameters
add day 1 to enrollment plot
allow prior piecewise Poisson enrollment and piecewise exponential event or dropout models to have additional cut points beyond the observed data range
update internal data sets
add stage and to_predict information in getPrediction output
add the cutoff time point to the number of ongoing subjects
change the default model for dropout to exponential
require trialsdt in input data set
added the piecewise Poisson model to fitEnrollment and predictEnrollment at the analysis stage
added number of dropouts
added number of subjects at risk
added a data set when the enrollment has completed
corrected the x-axis title for predictEnrollment and predictEvent
updated alogrithm to allow one piece piecewise Poisson enrollment model and one piece piecewise exponential time-to-event model
modified the weight calculation for model averaging to avoid underflow
used weighted BIC for model averaging
removed the dropout_model parameter for summarizeObserved
changed the default number of knots of the b-spline enrollment model to zero
replaced first and last with slice of dplyr in summarizeObserved
improved the initial value for the time-decay enrollment model parameters
added showplot to fitEnrollment, fitEvent and fitDropout
sped up the calculations of quantiles
added target_n to predictEnrollment output and target_d to predictEvent output
removed the cutoff date from ongoing_pred_df before data cutoff
restricted enrollment model fitting to the last randomization date
added piecewise exponential dropout model
use delta method to obtain the variance of model parameters for pooled population
replace randomization probabilities with treatment allocation within a randomization block
allow number of subjects to differ among simulated data sets
remove custom date axis